Evo-Forge / Essence

Essence - The Essential Material Design Framework
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Grid should have overrides for phone, mobile and desktop #62

Open barrysteyn opened 8 years ago

barrysteyn commented 8 years ago

The Block component of the Grid allows for setting column sizes that apply to desktop only. Mobile overrides whatever block size is specified to be the full size (or in this case, width).

What we need is to have block sizes that can be overridden by mobile and tablet. For example:

<Block classes={'e-row'}>
<Block classes={'brick brick-3 brick-6-tablet brick-12-mobile'}>brick-1</Block>
<Block classes={'brick brick-3 brick-6-tablet brick-12-mobile'}>brick-1</Block>
<Block classes={'brick brick-6 brick-12-tablet brick-12-mobile'}>brick-6</Block>

In the above example:

birledan commented 8 years ago

Hello Barry, you can try the new responsive grid http://getessence.io/core/grid-system. tkanks again for the hint!