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Essence - The Essential Material Design Framework
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Use autoprefixer #63

Open barrysteyn opened 8 years ago

barrysteyn commented 8 years ago

For example, in a less file:

-webkit-flex: 0 0 auto;
-ms-flex: 0 0 auto;
-webkit-box-flex: 0;
flex: 0 1 auto;

With autoprefixer, the above can be shortened down to the last line, and in a "post compilation" stage, the prefixes will be added. For example, look at this: https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer#flexbox-filters-etc - it highlights this very example. This will make the less files much easier to maintain and read.

hetmann commented 8 years ago

@barrysteyn thanks for the suggestion, @birledan will see this and try it out.

barrysteyn commented 8 years ago

So autoprefixer can also be plugged in directly to webpack. It's part of the new postcss revolution (infact, it started it). However, now that I have your guys ears, can I ask some questions/make some suggestions:

  1. The /lib and /src folders seem identical (at least just by looking at the block Grid component). What gives?
  2. I suspect there is a mixture of spaces and tabs in the less files. Please can we only use spaces: It will then render in an IDE perfectly, no matter what platform.
  3. What I would like to do is include unprocessed files (for example, less files that have not been through the autoprefixer) inside my webpack. So could we have source that has not been built in anyway. Maybe that could be in the src folder, and once webpack (or whatever you use) to build the css and react stuff, it could go to the /lib folder?

What do you guys think?