EvoSuite / evosuite

EvoSuite - automated generation of JUnit test suites for Java classes
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Replication Package for SBST 2020 Competition? #335

Closed Ngiong closed 3 years ago

Ngiong commented 3 years ago


As SBST Unit-Test Competition utilizes Docker for the benchmarking I wonder if there is any plan in the future to publish the replication package of Evosuite in SBST competitions too?

Actually, I want to reproduce the result of Evosuite in SBST 2020 competition, but I don't know why I keep getting different results (i.e. almost all targets get 0% branch cov.) from Evosuite's Result Paper.


I want to reproduce the result of Evosuite in SBST 2020 as published in the Result Paper

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Followed the procedure here
  2. Write a custom Evosuite runtool (following the Randoop example) evosuite_runtool.zip
  3. contest_generate_tests.sh evosuite 1 1 60
  4. contest_compute_metrics.sh results_evosuite_60 > stat_log.txt 2> error_log.txt

EvoSuite Arguments

cmdLine.append(String.format("%s -jar %s ", javaCommand, evosuiteJarFile.getAbsolutePath()));
cmdLine.append(String.format("-class %s ", testClass));
cmdLine.append(String.format("-Dsearch_budget=%s ", timeLimit));
cmdLine.append(String.format("-projectCP %s ", classPath));
cmdLine.append(String.format("-Dtest_dir=%s ", junitOutputDirName));
cmdLine.append("-Duse_separate_classloader=false -Dassertions=false -Dminimize_skip_coincidental=false ");

Current Result

Although there lies some test cases successfully generated, (almost) all branch coverage is 0%.

Here is a sample of GUAVA-128_1 GUAVA-128_1.zip p.s. the separateClassLoader = false and public Throwables_ESTest() { super(); } in Throwables_ESTest.java were manually added, but it didn't work.

I also found this error message in the metrics/log_detailed.txt GUAVA-128_1-metrics.zip

Running the tests: [SBSTDummyForCoverageAndMutationCalculation, com.google.common.base.Throwables_ESTest]
Failure: [initializationError(com.google.common.base.Throwables_ESTest): java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error during attachment using: org.evosuite.shaded.net.bytebuddy.agent.ByteBuddyAgent$AttachmentProvider$Compound@3f991331]
Failing Tests: initializationError(com.google.common.base.Throwables_ESTest)
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error during attachment using: org.evosuite.shaded.net.bytebuddy.agent.ByteBuddyAgent$AttachmentProvider$Compound@3f991331
    at org.evosuite.runtime.agent.AgentLoader.loadAgent(AgentLoader.java:107)
    at org.evosuite.runtime.agent.InstrumentingAgent.initialize(InstrumentingAgent.java:101)
    at org.evosuite.runtime.EvoRunner.getClass(EvoRunner.java:102)
    at org.evosuite.runtime.EvoRunner.<init>(EvoRunner.java:77)

Expected result

Similar result as the Result Paper

Additional info

It's quite a dilemma for me, whether to post an issue here or in the SBST docker infrastructure's Github repo

But reflecting on my initial question, is there any plan to publish the replication package for Evosuite?

Thank you. :)

Ngiong commented 3 years ago


After modifying the search budget to account 50% of the overall time (leaving the remaining 50% for the postprocessing steps), I found Evosuite generated flaky test cases (e.g. broken test) for most subjects of SBST 2020 benchmark (in single run). evosuite_singlerun.zip

Am I still in the correct direction? I'm afraid that I missed configuring something in Evosuite, which causes the discrepancy.

Looking forward to hearing any response from you :smile: Thank you ^^