EvoTestOps / LogLead

LogLead stands for Log Loader, Enhancer, and Anomaly Detector.
MIT License
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Refactorings #18

Closed bakhtos closed 1 month ago

bakhtos commented 1 month ago

Solves #5 Enhancers, parsers, and loaders can now be imported as

from loglead.enhancers import ...
from loglead.parsers import ...
from loglead.loaders import ...

AnomalyDetection class can be imported as

from loglead import AnomalyDetection

Same with other classes:

from loglead import OOV_detector
from loglead import RarityModel
from loglead import NextEventPrediction

I have fixed the imports in all test and demo scripts, but I have not run them because I had issues setting up the conda environment. So someone should test all existing scripts + some additional ones you might have just to be sure.

I suggest making a release 1.0.0 from the current state of main branch, merge this pull request and then immediately make a 2.0.0 release since these refactorings break compatibility with existing scripts.

mmantyla commented 1 month ago

Please bring the boilerplate back. As you said it breaks compatibility with existing scripts. The point of the boilerplate was also to keep the models away from the scripts. We can definitely use the new generic train method as well as it gives more control to user.

Also the conda should work when using https://github.com/EvoTestOps/LogLead/blob/main/environment_no_dl.yml that needs no DL libraries or HW. Has worked for multiple people so far.

bakhtos commented 1 month ago

Please bring the boilerplate back. As you said it breaks compatibility with existing scripts. The point of the boilerplate was also to keep the models away from the scripts. We can definitely use the new generic train method as well as it gives more control to user.

If you mean the changes proposed in #19 , we can discuss them later after this PR is finished. In this PR I do not change the internal implementations at all, just move stuff around.

bakhtos commented 1 month ago

Rename AnomalyDeection to AnomalyDetector

bakhtos commented 1 month ago

Rename LCSMap to SpellParser

bakhtos commented 1 month ago

Change vec_name to be the vectorizer object instead of the name to lookup

bakhtos commented 1 month ago

Remove BertEmbeddings from parsers