EvolutionAPI / evolution-api

Evolution API is an open-source WhatsApp integration API
GNU General Public License v3.0
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EVO 2.0 - Criação de instância (Token already exists) #657

Open guigagb opened 1 week ago

guigagb commented 1 week ago


What did you do?

Ao tentar criar mais de uma instância sem passar token dá erro a partir da segunda instância: image

Ao que parece o token não tá sendo gerado automaticamente conforme informa a documentação: image

Endpoint: POST Instance/create

What did you expect?

Cria mais de uma instância sem fornecer token no payload.

What did you observe instead of what you expected?

Erro: Token already exists



Which version of the API are you using?


What is your environment?


Other environment specifications

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Additional Notes

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