EvolveBeyond / NvPak

A clean config for neovim to be of particular complexity
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I have error to run nvim #122

Closed thmkhtry closed 8 months ago

thmkhtry commented 8 months ago

Hello, I install NvPak and run and see error:

Error during compilation
Failed to execute the following command:
  cmd = "cc",
  err = "Error during compilation",
  info = "Compiling...",
  opts = {
    args = { "-o", "parser.so", "-I./src", "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c", "-Os", "-shared", "-fPIC" },
    cwd = "/home/taha/.local/share/nvim/tree-sitter-python"
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Downloading tree-sitter-bash...
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Error during download, please verify your internet connection
Failed to execute the following command:
  cmd = "curl",
  err = "Error during download, please verify your internet connection",
  info = "Downloading tree-sitter-bash...",
  opts = {
    args = { "--silent", "-L", "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-bash/archive/7331995b19b8f8aba2d5e26deb51d2195c18bc94.tar.gz", "--output", "tree-sitter-bash.tar.gz" },
    cwd = "/home/taha/.local/share/nvim"
Press ENTER or type command to continue

and next see this: Screenshot at 2023-12-30 13-51-45

nooob-developer commented 8 months ago

You need VPN to use nvpak and lazy After using VPN Run this :Lazy sync

thmkhtry commented 8 months ago
