EvolvedWeb / evowc

Evolved Web Components
MIT License
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Support Server Side Rendering (SSR) and Server Hydration #55

Open intervalia opened 8 months ago

intervalia commented 8 months ago

Currently Evo does not have a way to generate SSR code and, thus, has to Server hydration built it.

With the introduction of Declarative shadow DOM we can generate a SSR component that can be hydrated. The JS file for the component will still be downloaded by the browser, but the initial data and the UI will already exist prior to the JS file loading and running.

Be aware that Firefox does not and may never support this. More info and polyfill here: https://developer.chrome.com/en/articles/declarative-shadow-dom/

Also if we plan to support this then we will need a server side renderer and hydrator that works on all backend systems. Node, PHP, Python, .NET, Java, Ruby, etc.