EvolvingLMMs-Lab / lmms-eval

Accelerating the development of large multimodal models (LMMs) with lmms-eval
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LongVideoBench for LMMs-Eval #117

Closed teowu closed 1 week ago

teowu commented 1 week ago

LongVideoBench (validation) for LMMs-Eval

LongVideoBench is the first interleaved video-language benchmark on up-to-hour-long videos.

Created two new tasks:

This difference is based on the different behaviours of Image and Video LMMs in current lmms-eval library, that image LMMs accept PIL.Image (s) as inputs, and video LMMs accept video paths.

Example Use (Image LMMs)

python3 -m accelerate.commands.launch --num_processes=8 -m lmms_eval --model idefics2 --tasks longvideobench_val_i --batch_size 1 --log_samples --log_samples_suffix idefics2_lvb_i --output_path ./logs/
python3 -m accelerate.commands.launch --num_processes=8 -m lmms_eval --model phi3v --tasks longvideobench_val_i --batch_size 1 --log_samples --log_samples_suffix phi3v_lvb_i --output_path ./logs/

Example Use (Video LMMs)

(32 frames)

python3 -m accelerate.commands.launch --num_processes=8 -m lmms_eval --model llavavid --model_args pretrained="lmms-lab/LLaVA-NeXT-Video-34B-DPO",max_frames_num=32,conv_template=chatml_direct,video_decode_backend="decord" --tasks longvideobench_val_v --batch_size 1 --log_samples --log_samples_suffix llavavid_34b_dpo_lvb_v --output_path ./logs/

(32 frames)

python3 -m accelerate.commands.launch --num_processes=8 -m lmms_eval --model llavavid --model_args pretrained="lmms-lab/LLaVA-NeXT-Video-7B-DPO",max_frames_num=32,video_decode_backend="decord" --tasks longvideobench_val_v --batch_size 1 --log_samples --log_samples_suffix llavavid_7b_dpo_lvb_v --output_path ./logs/

(8 frames)

python3 -m accelerate.commands.launch --num_processes=8 -m lmms_eval --model video_llava --tasks longvideobench_val_v --batch_size 1 --log_samples --log_samples_suffix video_llava_lvb_v --output_path ./logs/

Primary Contact for this commit: haoning001@e.ntu.edu.sg, github user: teowu.