EvotecIT / ADEssentials

PowerShell Active Directory helper functions to manage healthy Active Directory
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Get-WinADGroupeMemberOf issue based on SamAccountNmae #20

Closed PrzemyslawKlys closed 2 years ago

PrzemyslawKlys commented 2 years ago

From email

I used the Show/Get-WinADGroupMemberOf command to figure user groups membership in a large domain, but I noticed a small discordance in the results it is providing and I found what it is.

Here's the situation. In the domain, there are some groups with the same group name, BUT the SamAccountName is unique (legacy stuff from domain merge a few years ago). In the Get-WinADGroupMemberOf script, you're using the $NestedMember.name as the ParentGroup, so the reporting is not accurate.

For example :

Group 1 o Name : SecRole-DBAdmins o SamAccountName : SecRole-DBAdmins Group 2 : o Name : SecRole-DBAdmins o SamAccountName : SR-DBAdmins So in the case where a user is a member of both groups, the child groups of "SR-DBAdmins" show "SecRole-DBAdmins" as the ParentGroup, which is not exactly the case.

And it creates some discordances in the graphics generated with Show-WinADGroupeMemberOf...

Hoping you can resolve this issue shortly, let me know when you release a new version of the scripts and I'll give it a try to see if my issue is resolved