EvotecIT / ADEssentials

PowerShell Active Directory helper functions to manage healthy Active Directory
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Request to translate AAD group names #30

Closed neztach closed 2 years ago

neztach commented 2 years ago

when running something like Show-WinADGroupMemberOf it works terrifically, but my request is, if the Group Name being returned is an AAD Group can it be written in to translate the 365 Group Writeback name to the DisplayName as it iterates through? (365 Group Writeback doesn't put human readable value in the Name attribute, but it does put it in the DisplayName attribute.)

I've written a proof of concept that allows me to do it by hand (even if inefficient) Reference for GUID translation here https://tech.nicolonsky.ch/validating-a-guid-with-powershell/

The thinking for my example was:

  1. Get the user's group membership,
  2. Get the groups returned DisplayName values,
  3. Check if the Group Name attribute matches (via regex) if the syntax for 365 Group Writeback syntax
  4. If it matches, return 'AAD - ' followed by the value in the Group DisplayName
  5. Else just return the group Name.

I'm sure you'll have a more efficient method, but this is my submission to improve your awesome script.

$GUIDRegex = '(?im)^[{(]?[0-9A-F]{8}[-]?(?:[0-9A-F]{4}[-]?){3}[0-9A-F]{12}[)}]?$'
$userGroups = Get-AdPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity '<username>'
ForEach ($group in $userGroups) {
    $AdGroup = Get-ADGroup -Identity $group -Properties DisplayName
    If (
        $AdGroup.Name -match 'Group_' -and 
        $AdGroup.Name.trimStart('Group_') -match $GUIDRegex
    ) {
        Write-Output -InputObject "AAD - $($AdGroup.DisplayName)"
    } Else {
        Write-Output -InputObject $AdGroup.Name

From the resource I referenced he wrote a Function to assist:

Function Test-Guid {
        Validates a given input string and checks string is a valid GUID
        Validates a given input string and checks string is a valid GUID by using the .NET method Guid.TryParse
        Test-Guid -InputObject "3363e9e1-00d8-45a1-9c0c-b93ee03f8c13"
        Uses .NET method [guid]::TryParse()
    Param (
        return [guid]::TryParse($InputObject, $([ref][guid]::Empty))
PrzemyslawKlys commented 2 years ago

Isn't newest Azure AD Connect doing that now? https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-azure-ad-blog/use-cloud-groups-in-on-premises-active-directory-with-group/ba-p/3118023

New group writeback features