EvotecIT / OfficeIMO

Fast and easy to use cross-platform .NET library that creates or modifies Microsoft Word (DocX) and later also Excel (XLSX) files without installing any software. Library is based on Open XML SDK
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Improve Lists in few areas #110

Closed PrzemyslawKlys closed 1 year ago

PrzemyslawKlys commented 1 year ago

Initially, when you add more than one list of the same style, it seems it's continuing numbering. While it's "ok" it's not as it was designed. When you use AddList(), it's supposed to create a new list and start from 1. It's not doing that now.

This PR:

This is initial commit, that seems to work using

LevelOverride levelOverride1 = new LevelOverride() { LevelIndex = 0 };
StartOverrideNumberingValue startOverrideNumberingValue1 = new StartOverrideNumberingValue() { Val = 1 };

But it seems that what Word sometimes uses is Nsid

Nsid nsid1 = new Nsid() { Val = "21351BF1" };

Why Word chooses one over the other - I've no clue.

internal static void Example_BasicLists7(string folderPath, bool openWord) {
    Console.WriteLine("[*] Creating standard document with lists - Document 7");
    string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(folderPath, "Document with Lists10.docx");
    using (WordDocument document = WordDocument.Create(filePath)) {

        // add list and nest a list
        WordList wordList1 = document.AddList(WordListStyle.Headings111, true);
        Console.WriteLine("List (0) ElementsCount (0): " + wordList1.ListItems.Count);
        Console.WriteLine("List (0) ElementsCount (1): " + document.Lists[0].ListItems.Count);
        wordList1.AddItem("Text 1");
        Console.WriteLine("List (0) ElementsCount (1): " + document.Lists[0].ListItems.Count);
        Console.WriteLine("Lists count (1): " + document.Lists.Count);
        Console.WriteLine("List (0) ElementsCount (1): " + wordList1.ListItems.Count);

        wordList1.AddItem("Text 2");
        Console.WriteLine("List (0) ElementsCount (2): " + wordList1.ListItems.Count);
        wordList1.AddItem("Text 2.1", 1);
        Console.WriteLine("List (0) ElementsCount (3): " + wordList1.ListItems.Count);

        WordList wordListNested = document.AddList(WordListStyle.Bulleted, false);
        wordListNested.AddItem("Nested 1", 1);
        wordListNested.AddItem("Nested 2", 1);

        WordList wordList2 = document.AddList(WordListStyle.Headings111, true);
        Console.WriteLine("List 2 - Restart numbering: " + wordList2.RestartNumbering);
        wordList2.AddItem("Section 2");
        wordList2.AddItem("Section 2.1", 1);

        WordList wordList3 = document.AddList(WordListStyle.Headings111, true);
        Console.WriteLine("List 3 - Restart numbering: " + wordList3.RestartNumbering);
        wordList3.RestartNumbering = true;
        Console.WriteLine("List 3 - Restart numbering after change: " + wordList3.RestartNumbering);
        wordList3.AddItem("Section 1");
        wordList3.AddItem("Section 1.1", 1);

        WordList wordList4 = document.AddList(WordListStyle.Headings111, true);
        //wordList4.RestartNumbering = true;
        wordList4.AddItem("Section 2");
        wordList4.AddItem("Section 2.1", 1);

        WordList wordList5 = document.AddList(WordListStyle.Headings111, true);
        //wordList5.RestartNumbering = true;
        wordList5.AddItem("Section 3");
        wordList5.AddItem("Section 3.1", 1);

        WordList wordList6 = document.AddList(WordListStyle.Headings111);
        wordList1.AddItem("Text 4");
        wordList1.AddItem("Text 4.1", 1);


        //// add a table
        var table = document.AddTable(3, 3);

        //// add a list to a table and attach it to a first paragraph 
        var listInsideTable = table.Rows[0].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0].AddList(WordListStyle.Bulleted);

        //// this will force the current Paragraph to be converted into a list item
        Console.WriteLine("Table List (0) ElementsCount (0): " + listInsideTable.ListItems.Count);
        listInsideTable.AddItem("text", 0, table.Rows[0].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0]);
        Console.WriteLine("Table List (0) ElementsCount (1): " + listInsideTable.ListItems.Count);

        // add new items to the list (as last paragraph)
        listInsideTable.AddItem("Test 1");
        Console.WriteLine("Table List (0) ElementsCount: " + listInsideTable.ListItems.Count);

        // add new items to the list (as last paragraph)
        listInsideTable.AddItem("Test 2");
        Console.WriteLine("Table List (0) ElementsCount: " + listInsideTable.ListItems.Count);

        table.Rows[0].Cells[0].AddParagraph("Test Text 1");
        listInsideTable.AddItem("Test 3");
        table.Rows[0].Cells[0].AddParagraph("Test Text 2");

        table.Rows[1].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0].Text = "Text Row 1 - 0";
        table.Rows[1].Cells[0].AddParagraph("Text Row 1 - 1").AddText(" More text").AddParagraph("Text Row 1 - 2");

        // add a list to a table by adding it to a cell, notice that that the first paragraph is empty
        var listInsideTableColumn2 = table.Rows[0].Cells[1].AddList(WordListStyle.Bulleted);
        Console.WriteLine("Table List (1) ElementsCount (0): " + listInsideTableColumn2.ListItems.Count);
        listInsideTableColumn2.AddItem("Test 1 - Column 2");
        Console.WriteLine("Table List (1) ElementsCount (1): " + listInsideTableColumn2.ListItems.Count);
        listInsideTableColumn2.AddItem("Test 2  - Column 2");
        Console.WriteLine("Table List (1) ElementsCount (2): " + listInsideTableColumn2.ListItems.Count);

        // add a list to a table by adding it to a cell, notice that I'm adding text before list first
        table.Rows[0].Cells[2].Paragraphs[0].Text = "This is list: ";
        // add list, and add all items
        var listInsideTableColumn3 = table.Rows[0].Cells[2].AddList(WordListStyle.Bulleted);
        Console.WriteLine("Table List (2) ElementsCount: " + listInsideTableColumn3.ListItems.Count);
        listInsideTableColumn3.AddItem("Test 1 - Column 2");
        Console.WriteLine("Table List (2) ElementsCount: " + listInsideTableColumn3.ListItems.Count);
        listInsideTableColumn3.AddItem("Test 2  - Column 2");
        Console.WriteLine("Table List (2) ElementsCount: " + listInsideTableColumn3.ListItems.Count);

        Console.WriteLine("Lists count in a document (10): " + document.Lists.Count);


    using (WordDocument document = WordDocument.Load(filePath)) {
        Console.WriteLine("Lists count in a document (10): " + document.Lists.Count);

        document.Lists[0].AddItem("More then enough");


        var listInHeader = document.Header.Default.AddList(WordListStyle.Bulleted);

        listInHeader.AddItem("Test Header 1");

        document.Footer.Default.AddParagraph("Test Me Header");

        listInHeader.AddItem("Test Header 2");

        var listInFooter = document.Footer.Default.AddList(WordListStyle.Headings111);

        listInFooter.AddItem("Test Footer 1");

        document.Footer.Default.AddParagraph("Test Me Footer");

        listInFooter.AddItem("Test Footer 2");

