EvotecIT / OfficeIMO

Fast and easy to use cross-platform .NET library that creates or modifies Microsoft Word (DocX) and later also Excel (XLSX) files without installing any software. Library is based on Open XML SDK
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How to add paragraph without pagebreak? #216

Closed charliestel closed 3 months ago

charliestel commented 3 months ago

Hi, can anyone tell me how to insert multiple paragraphs into a document without a new line break? Why I need this: to format parts of lines.

For example:

p1 = new WordParagraph()
p1.Text = "Some"

p2 = p1.AddParagraphAfterSelf(); // Maybe I chose the wrong way?
p2.Text = "Text"
p2.Bold = true;

p3 = p2.AddParagraphAfterSelf()
p3.Text = "on the same line."
p3.Italic = true;
p3.ColorHex = "#f3f3f3f3";
PrzemyslawKlys commented 3 months ago

p1.AddText(xxx).AddText(xxx) as far as i know

charliestel commented 3 months ago

p1.AddText(xxx).AddText(xxx) as far as i know

AddText method is just concating text in current paragraph. But i wanna split text areas and having separated styles for them

PrzemyslawKlys commented 3 months ago

So in OfficeIMO the paragraph is actually a Run. That means when you do AddText it creates a run, but this is a WordParagraph. Using AddParagraph forces it to do one Paragraph, with one Run kinda.

So if you want you can do

p1 = p1.AddText("xxx")
p1.Italic = true;
p1 = p1.AddText("xxx2)
p1.Italic = false;

and it will give you what you want. You can also save them to seaprate variables. OfficeIMO has only a single concept of WordParagraph trying to simplify the OpenXML model. 
PrzemyslawKlys commented 3 months ago

For example

 var paragraph = document.AddParagraph("Adding paragraph with some text with special chars to check if FontFamily works correctly for those");

                paragraph.Color = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Color.Red;

                // this is only a test of setting FontFamily per paragraph. Please use document.Settings.FontFamily to set it per document.
                paragraph = document.AddParagraph("Wszedł kot do domu, gdzie były różne buty. ");
                paragraph.FontFamily = "Courier New";
                paragraph = paragraph.AddText("Chodził tak sobie i chodził, i się nachodził. ");
                paragraph.FontFamily = "Courier New";
                paragraph = paragraph.AddText("A potem jeszcze pochodził, i wąchał. A wszystko to nagrało życie. ");
                paragraph.FontFamily = "Courier New";

Look at the examples project - there are plenty of examples showing things