EvotecIT / OfficeIMO

Fast and easy to use cross-platform .NET library that creates or modifies Microsoft Word (DocX) and later also Excel (XLSX) files without installing any software. Library is based on Open XML SDK
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How To get the correct style for custom list ? #256

Open khofesh opened 3 weeks ago

khofesh commented 3 weeks ago

OfficeIMO version: 0.18.0

Hi, I'm trying to change the color of the bullet point

here's my code

using WordDocument document = WordDocument.Create();

NumberingDefinitionsPart numberingPart = document._document.MainDocumentPart
numberingPart.Numbering = new Numbering(
    new AbstractNum(
        new Level(
            new NumberingFormat() { Val = NumberFormatValues.Bullet },
            new LevelText() { Val = "•" },
            new RunProperties(
                new Color { Val = fontColorStr }
            new ParagraphProperties(
                new Indentation() { Left = "700", Hanging = "360" }
        { LevelIndex = 0 }
    { AbstractNumberId = 1 },
    new NumberingInstance(
        new AbstractNumId() { Val = 1 }
    { NumberID = 420 }

a function to generate list

    public static WordParagraph CreateCustomBulletListItem(WordDocument document, string text, string textColor, int fontSize)
        var paragraph = new Paragraph();

        var numberingProperties = new NumberingProperties(
            new NumberingLevelReference() { Val = 0 },
            new NumberingId() { Val = 420 }

        var textRunProperties = new RunProperties(
            new Color() { Val = textColor },
            new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Calibri", HighAnsi = "Calibri" },
            new FontSize() { Val = (fontSize * 2).ToString() }  // OpenXML uses half-points

        var paragraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(
            new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0", Line = "240", LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto }

        // spacing properties
        SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines = new SpacingBetweenLines()
            Before = "0", // Spacing before (in twips, 1/20 pt)
            After = "0",  // Spacing after (in twips, 1/20 pt)
            Line = "240", // Line spacing (240 twips = 12 points = single spacing)
            LineRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto // Automatically adjust line spacing


        var textRun = new Run(
            new Text(text)

        paragraph.Append(paragraphProperties, textRun);

        return document.AddParagraph(
            new WordParagraph(document, paragraph)

creating the custom list


                    document, "this is a test", fontColorStr, defaultFontSize
                    document, "this is a test2", fontColorStr, defaultFontSize


the result is not quite satistying

image (2)

How to get the default style like this ? image

var softwareList = document.AddList(WordListStyle.Bulleted);
foreach (var skill in someData)
    var item = pccList.AddItem($"{skill.Name}", 0)
    item.FontSize = defaultFontSize;
    item.LineSpacing = 240;
    item.LineSpacingAfter = 0;
    item.LineSpacingBefore = 0;
    item.LineSpacingRule = LineSpacingRuleValues.Auto;

thanks in advance

PrzemyslawKlys commented 3 weeks ago

To be honest - I don't know :-)

Try looking at this PR:

I started building something that would allow creating custom lists or loading ones, but I am not sure at the moment what is the state of it and whether it actually works

PrzemyslawKlys commented 3 weeks ago

It could also be related to work in here:

khofesh commented 3 weeks ago

@PrzemyslawKlys Hi, thank you.

I'll look into the URLs you shared