EvotecIT / OfficeIMO

Fast and easy to use cross-platform .NET library that creates or modifies Microsoft Word (DocX) and later also Excel (XLSX) files without installing any software. Library is based on Open XML SDK
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Add images to headers/footers/tables and other image improvements #53

Closed PrzemyslawKlys closed 1 year ago

PrzemyslawKlys commented 1 year ago

This should resolve:

And it should improve a bit:

using (WordDocument document = WordDocument.Create(filePath)) {
    document.BuiltinDocumentProperties.Title = "This is sparta";
    document.BuiltinDocumentProperties.Creator = "Przemek";
    var filePathImage = System.IO.Path.Combine(imagePaths, "Kulek.jpg");


    var header = document.Header.Default;
    var paragraphHeader = header.AddParagraph("This is header");

    // add image to header, directly to paragraph
    header.AddParagraph().AddImage(filePathImage, 100, 100);

    // add image to footer, directly to paragraph
    document.Footer.Default.AddParagraph().AddImage(filePathImage, 100, 100);

    // add image to header, but to a table
    var table = header.AddTable(2, 2);
    table.Rows[1].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0].Text = "Test123";
    table.Rows[1].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0].AddImage(filePathImage, 50, 50);
    table.Alignment = TableRowAlignmentValues.Right;

    var paragraph = document.AddParagraph("This paragraph starts with some text");
    paragraph.Text = "0th This paragraph started with some other text and was overwritten and made bold.";
    paragraph.Bold = true;

    // add table with an image, but to document
    var table1 = document.AddTable(2, 2);
    table1.Rows[1].Cells[1].Paragraphs[0].Text = "Test - In document";
    table1.Rows[1].Cells[0].Paragraphs[0].AddImage(filePathImage, 50, 50);

    // lets add image to paragraph
    paragraph.AddImage(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagePaths, "PrzemyslawKlysAndKulkozaurr.jpg"), 22, 22);
internal static void Example_AddingImagesInline(string folderPath, bool openWord) {
    Console.WriteLine("[*] Creating standard document with inline images");
    string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(folderPath, "DocumentWithInlineImages2.docx");
    string imagePaths = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Images");

    using (WordDocument document = WordDocument.Create(filePath)) {
        var file = System.IO.Path.Combine(imagePaths, "PrzemyslawKlysAndKulkozaurr.jpg");
        var paragraph = document.AddParagraph();
        var pargraphWithImage = paragraph.AddImage(file, 100, 100);

        // Console.WriteLine("Image is inline: " + pargraphWithImage.Image.Rotation);

        pargraphWithImage.Image.VerticalFlip = false;
        pargraphWithImage.Image.HorizontalFlip = false;
        pargraphWithImage.Image.Rotation = 270;
        pargraphWithImage.Image.Shape = ShapeTypeValues.Cloud;

internal static void Example_AddingImagesSample4(string folderPath, bool openWord) {
    Console.WriteLine("[*] Creating standard document with some Images and Samples");
    var filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(folderPath, "BasicDocumentWithImagesSample4.docx");
    var imagePaths = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Images");

    using var document = WordDocument.Create(filePath);

    var paragraph1 = document.AddParagraph("This paragraph starts with some text");
    paragraph1.AddImage(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagePaths, "PrzemyslawKlysAndKulkozaurr.jpg"), 200, 200);
    paragraph1.Image.Shape = ShapeTypeValues.Cube;

    var paragraph2 = document.AddParagraph("Image will be placed behind text");
    paragraph2.AddImage(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagePaths, "PrzemyslawKlysAndKulkozaurr.jpg"), 200, 200, WrapImageText.BehindText, "Przemek and Kulek on an image");

    var paragraph3 = document.AddParagraph("Image will be in front of text");
    paragraph3.AddImage(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagePaths, "PrzemyslawKlysAndKulkozaurr.jpg"), 200, 200, WrapImageText.InFrontText, "Przemek and Kulek on an image");

    var paragraph5 = document.AddParagraph("Image will be Square");
    paragraph5.AddImage(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagePaths, "PrzemyslawKlysAndKulkozaurr.jpg"), 200, 200, WrapImageText.Square, "Przemek and Kulek on an image");

    var paragraph6 = document.AddParagraph("Image will be Through");
    paragraph6.AddImage(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagePaths, "PrzemyslawKlysAndKulkozaurr.jpg"), 200, 200, WrapImageText.Through, "Przemek and Kulek on an image");

    var paragraph7 = document.AddParagraph("Image will be Tight");
    paragraph7.AddImage(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagePaths, "PrzemyslawKlysAndKulkozaurr.jpg"), 200, 200, WrapImageText.Tight, "Przemek and Kulek on an image");

    var paragraph8 = document.AddParagraph("Image will be Top And Bottom");
    paragraph8.AddImage(System.IO.Path.Combine(imagePaths, "PrzemyslawKlysAndKulkozaurr.jpg"), 200, 200, WrapImageText.TopAndBottom, "Przemek and Kulek on an image");
    paragraph8.Image.Shape = ShapeTypeValues.Can;
