EvotecIT / OfficeIMO

Fast and easy to use cross-platform .NET library that creates or modifies Microsoft Word (DocX) and later also Excel (XLSX) files without installing any software. Library is based on Open XML SDK
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Reading distributed/interrupted instructions of field codes causes an exception #94

Closed byteSamurai closed 1 year ago

byteSamurai commented 1 year ago

I just stumbled upon an issue. Given this markup from a off-the-shelf Word document:

<w:r w:rsidR="006B53C8">
    <w:fldChar w:fldCharType="begin" />
<w:r w:rsidR="006B53C8">
    <w:instrText xml:space="preserve"> XE "</w:instrText>
<w:r w:rsidR="006B53C8" w:rsidRPr="00D01158">
<w:r w:rsidR="006B53C8">
    <w:instrText xml:space="preserve">" </w:instrText>
<w:r w:rsidR="006B53C8">
    <w:fldChar w:fldCharType="end" />

From the document:

Expected Behaviour

The instruction text will be concatenated to form the string XE "Introduction"

Actual Behaviour

An Exception will be thrown, because the detected fieldCode is just XE ":

Unhandled exception. System.NotImplementedException: The missing part """ of the field code "XE "" couldn't be processed by the Parser
   at OfficeIMO.Word.WordFieldParser.ParseFieldCodeDeclaration(String fieldCodeDeclaration) in /home/f/OfficeIMO/OfficeIMO.Word/WordFieldParser.cs:line 118
   at OfficeIMO.Word.WordFieldParser..ctor(String fieldCodeDeclaration) in /home/f/OfficeIMO/OfficeIMO.Word/WordFieldParser.cs:line 56
   at OfficeIMO.Word.WordField.get_FieldType() in /home/f/OfficeIMO/OfficeIMO.Word/WordField.cs:line 107

Possible Fix Suggestions

PrzemyslawKlys commented 1 year ago

Option 1, of course.

byteSamurai commented 1 year ago

Okay, on it.

PrzemyslawKlys commented 1 year ago

Tests would be good for this case. Leaving it open unless you think it's not needed.