Open weavejester opened 4 years ago
The badigeon.uberjar/bundle
function ignores resources conflicts (it does not copy them) and optionally prints a warning when conflicts are found.
The badigeon.uberjar/find-resource-conflicts
function returns the path of all the resources that are in conflict.
Then it's up to the user of the library to handle conflicts, typically by doing some file manipulation between a call to badigeon.uberjar/bundle
See also the uberjar example.
Okay, so there's no automatic conflict resolution like lein uberjar
. Is that a planned/wishlist feature, or not on the roadmap?
That's definitely something that could be implemented. What merging strategy would you like to see implemented ?
Something configurable would be ideal. Leiningen uses a map of filename strings/patterns to a vector of read, merge and write functions. By default it defines the following:
(def components-merger
[components-read into components-write])
(def clj-map-merger
[(comp read-string slurp) merge #(spit %1 (pr-str %2))])
(def concat-merger
[slurp #(str %1 "\n" %2) spit])
(def default-mergers
{"META-INF/plexus/components.xml" components-merger
"data_readers.clj" clj-map-merger
#"META-INF/services/.*" concat-merger}
(See the leiningen.uberjar for the definition of components-read
and components-write
There is a first version of badigeon.uberjar/merge-resource-conflicts
on master
Oh thanks! I'll check it out!
I was testing it, and I got an error calling badigeon.uberjar/merge-resource-conflicts
(err) Execution error (FileNotFoundException) at (
(err) /.../target/lib-0.0.1/META-INF/services/com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory (No such file or directory)
You can reproduce the error if you add cheshire to your dependencies.
I think the problem is here: First time, the file doesn't exist yet
I also notice that there is an error in the example file here:
But the function expects out-path
as its first argument:
@jlesquembre Thank you, this is fixed on master
Does this library support merging of uberjar resources, such as