Ex-Mente / auxi.0

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Read thermo data from NIST Database #209

Open christoffkok opened 7 years ago

christoffkok commented 7 years ago


Marno needed data for Cl2Fe which was not available in auxi. He will have to add it by creating his own datafolder, and probably get the data either from factsage or NIST. Getting the data from NIST takes quite some time. All the data from NIST is not yet incorporated into auxi as it takes a long time to add this data.


The purpose of this issue is to create a fast and effective way of adding from compounds from NIST webook to auxi's thermo data.


Create a function to get thermo data directly from the NIST webbook database. This can be done via a screen scaping: http://python-guide-pt-br.readthedocs.io/en/latest/scenarios/scrape/.