ExLibrisGroup / spineomatic-cloudapp

Cloud App version of SpineOMatic
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Title field issue: allow configuration of subfields to include. #117

Open Anchi77 opened 9 months ago

Anchi77 commented 9 months ago

Hi Support,

I would like to check about the "title" field, in the article, it mentioned that "Title has special formatting options available. Click the Title dropdown to select any special formatting."

  1. It seems we can only use numbers to truncate title?

  2. what does the negative number mean in the field? image

  3. different titles have different numbers. Is it okay to specifically only display $a (245$a or 200$a)?

Many thanks, Anchi

mgobat commented 9 months ago

HI @Anchi77...

If the bib_data.title is included in a template, and a non-zero and non-negative number is supplied for the "Truncate title characters" field, then the title will be truncated to the specified length on the label. For example, if the title is "Medical progress.", and the "Truncate title characters" is 3, then only "Med" will be printed on the label. If 0 or a negative number is supplied for the "Truncate title characters" field, then it is ignored and the entire title will print on the label.

Anchi77 commented 9 months ago

Hi Support, Thanks for your prompt reply.

Do you mean that 0 or a negative number supplied for the "Truncate title characters" field is the same? Because all the titles are different, customers do not want to use the character count to display, they only want to display the $a, is there any way we can manage this?

like title is 泰坦尼克号 [音像制品] . = Titanic they only want to display 泰坦尼克号 image

二十世纪名曲百分百 [音像制品] they only want to display 二十世纪名曲百分百 image

for this situation, we can't use the truncate title to display.

Many thanks, Anchi

mgobat commented 9 months ago

Hi @Anchi77...

I believe the REST API that the SpineOMatic Cloud App uses gets the full title subfield a in the response.

If you specify a negative number or a 0 for the "Truncate title characters", it is ignored, and the entire title (subfield a) should print on the label.

I tested with my title subfield a set to 泰坦尼克号 [音像制品] and my "Truncate title characters" set to 5. This resulted in 泰坦尼克号 printing on the label. Testing again with my title subfield a set to 二十世纪名曲百分百 [音像制品] and my "Truncate title characters" set to 5, I get 二十世纪名 printed on my label.

This is the expected behavior.

It appears you want print the title subfield a up to a certain character. Is that correct? If so, this option is not supported in the SpineOMatic Cloud App.

Anchi77 commented 8 months ago

Hi Support, Thanks for your prompt reply. Sorry for my late confirmation.

You mentioned that "It appears you want print the title subfield a up to a certain character. Is that correct?"

We would like to only get the whole "subfield a" value, do not need to add any condition.

For now, it displays 245 $a $b $c We only want to display 245 $a

Is it possible?

Many thanks, Anchi

mgobat commented 8 months ago

Hi @Anchi77,

You've included {{field:bib_data.title}} in your template, and you are getting more than the 245a for this field on your label? Interesting. I wonder if there is some configuration setting in Alma giving you this behavior. In my test templates which include {{field:bib_data.title}}, I only get the 245a on my labels.

Let me check if there is some other setting in Alma that could be affecting the behavior.

Anchi77 commented 8 months ago

Hi Support, Thanks for your reply, I hope all is well with you.

Yes, When I use {{field:bib_data.title}} in my template, I will get 245a and also 245b.

For example, SUST0050065756 image

The label will display the following: image

And our configuration displays with image

Please help to check, many thanks, Anchi

mgobat commented 8 months ago

Hi @Anchi77.

I haven't yet learned why the API that the SpineOMatic Cloud App uses would return more than the 245a for the bib_data.title field. The Cloud App prints on the label whatever is returned. It isn't aware that the value is more than the 245a.

I will work with Support to find out what setting in Alma is causing this behavior. Once we find the setting, if it is changed to only return the 245a, it will affect other places that are expecting more than the 245a, too. So while it might fix it for spine labels, it might have an adverse effect somewhere else.

Anchi77 commented 6 months ago

Hello Support, Happy New Year~

Sorry for chasing this case, do you have any update about this case?

Thank you so much! Anchi

mgobat commented 5 months ago

Hi @Anchi77. Unfortunately, there is no way to configure which subfields are included in the title used for the spine labels. I will relabel this issue as an enhancement request to be considered.