ExMachinaOrg / FoodDelivery

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Navbar #1

Open IanPrinceD opened 11 months ago

IanPrinceD commented 11 months ago

Start working with the navbar.

:dart: Targets :

  1. [x] Create a Top Header.
  2. [x] Create a Navbar.
  3. [x] Utilise the use of Material UI
  4. [x] Make it responsive.

Note : Make use of this design as your reference.

Screenshot from 2024-01-02 10-17-49

or make use of this Link

HughOwenPanopio commented 11 months ago

feature/#1-Navbar: Created Header, this is my 2nd commit. Used primary.main and accent.main for backGroundColor and color. This is my 2nd commit for issue #1.