ExOK / Celeste64

A game made by the Celeste developers in a week(ish, closer to 2)
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Unable to load FMOD [Linux] #2

Open neomoth opened 5 months ago

neomoth commented 5 months ago

System Information

Issue Description

Upon launching the executable it fails to load the shared object libfmod.so or one of its dependencies with the notice that the file is too short.

Error Log

Error log is provided here

NoelFB commented 5 months ago

Thanks, it seems like the symlinks in the published build are broken, You can fix it like this until I'm able to publish an updated version: https://itch.io/post/9276145

neomoth commented 5 months ago

Noted, thanks for the workaround! Now to wait patiently for someone to make an Everest equivalent for this >:3

flibitijibibo commented 5 months ago

If the symlinks end up not being viable, wedging in FNADllMap.cs should allow for using .so.13 directly via something like a Celeste64.exe.config:


NoelFB commented 5 months ago

Oh good call, I wonder if I should just do that in general instead. I fixed the symlinks on my end but it might be better to do that regardless.