ExOK / Celeste64

A game made by the Celeste developers in a week(ish, closer to 2)
1.58k stars 125 forks source link

game will not open, error log #76

Closed Qwertyfith closed 4 months ago

Qwertyfith commented 4 months ago

here is the error:

Celeste 64 v.1.1.1 Error Log (02/08/2024 20:57:10) Call Stack: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Foster.Framework.Platform' threw an exception. ---> System.DllNotFoundException: Dll was not found. at Foster.Framework.Platform.FosterRegisterLogMethods(FosterLogFn, FosterLogFn, FosterLogFn, Int32) at Foster.Framework.Platform..cctor() --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Foster.Framework.Platform.ToUTF8(String& ) at Foster.Framework.App.Run(String, Int32, Int32, Boolean , Renderers ) at Foster.Framework.App.Run[T](String, Int32, Int32, Boolean , Renderers ) at Celeste64.Program.Main(String[]) in D:\a\Celeste64\Celeste64\Source\Program.cs:line 25 Game Output: Celeste 64 v.1.1.1 Foster: v0.1.18 Platform: Microsoft Windows 10.0.19045 (X64) Framework: .NET 8.0.1

if someone knows how to fix it, please tell me. ErrorLog.txt

NoelFB commented 4 months ago

How are you running the game? Did you unzip and extract all the files first? There should be an Exe beside several DLLs.

Qwertyfith commented 4 months ago

How are you running the game? Did you unzip and extract all the files first? There should be an Exe beside several DLLs.

I did, i also download and tried with all versions, but still the same error.

Qwertyfith commented 4 months ago

I changed the name of the folder, now it works lol

NoelFB commented 4 months ago

Weird! Glad you got it working though haha