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PaNOSC / ExPaNDS annual meeting 2021 organisation #12

Closed servansod closed 2 years ago

servansod commented 3 years ago

ExPaNDS and PaNOSC agreed to have the next annual meeting jointly again in 2021. The minutes of the organisational committee are recorded here.

servansod commented 3 years ago


:raising_hand: :raising_hand_man: Alun, Valentina, Patrick, Andy, Jordi, Sophie, Nicoletta, Kat

We are preparing for a face-to-face event in PSI, assuming no social distancing.

Action list for next meeting:

Next meeting: 9th of June, 15:00 CEST

RKrahl commented 3 years ago

Please note that International Data Week 2021 including RDA 18th Plenary Meeting takes place on 8th to 11th November 2021 in Seoul, South Korea, with co-located events supposed to start on 6th Nov. That means that if we are able to travel at all by then, some people (including me) will not be available from 1st to 5th Nov.

Already the last annual meeting clashed with RDA VP16 which was very unfortunate.

servansod commented 3 years ago


:raising_hand: :raising_hand_man: Alun, Valentina, Patrick, Andy, Jordi, Sophie, Nicoletta, Kat

Action list for next meeting:

Next meeting: 14.07.2021 at 3pm CEST

servansod commented 3 years ago


:raising_hand: :raising_hand_man: Alun, Valentina, Patrick, Sophie, Nicoletta, Kat

Date and format

Symposium - 1st half day

Several external speaker ideas were discussed and would now need approval from Andy, Rudolf and Jordi before being contacted:

Another topic we would like to address in this first 1/2 day would be concrete examples for users, with demos of VISA, simulation, choosing a few use cases. To be double-checked with Andy and Fabio/Anton.

Audience targets for this day: us + European Commission + users so we should find a good balance between showcasing a) the successful collaborations and b) the actual results for our PaN communities.

Next steps

servansod commented 3 years ago

From Jordi - copy of e-mail from 15.07.2021

Just to let you know my thoughts about the Symposium (1st half day).

It seems to me that we want to address three different things:

  1. Collaboration with other clusters
  2. Sustainability and relationship with LEAPS/LENS
  3. User engagement

I believe that point 3 is by far the most important and that it would be beneficial to focus on the users (at least for half of the afternoon). If each partner in PaNOSC and ExPaNDS can get 5 or 6 scientists/users to attend, we could be talking to ~100 of them and show them what tools are out there that they can use and how they can make a difference for their research. We should show them what tools are already available / to be available in the very short term to keep them engaged.

The remaining available time of the Symposium could be used for short presentations to cover points 1 and 2 which from my perspective not as important.

We risk having a Symposium that does not make a difference by trying to reach an audience too diverse and spreading ourselves thin on many separate topics.

NicolettaCarboni commented 3 years ago

Following various email exchanges and the PaNOSC PMC meeting on 21.07.2021, I report below the main outcomes of the discussion:

if we collect, e.g. 10 use cases, to be presented in brief talks of 10 min. each, we could cover almost 2 hours presenting concrete examples to the user community. PaNOSC WP leaders have been asked to select the use cases which are ready for the scope. Use cases may be presented taking into account the benefit of the related software/services to specific research domains, if we are able to cover enough of them.

Feedback from Andy:

EOSC-Life. It makes sense to involve them, if there has been progress to report on, otherwise there is a risk it is a repeat of the talk of last year. A new speaker like Carole Goble may be involved [https://www.software.ac.uk/about/staff/person/carole-goble] to speak about software and training in EOSC-Life. In addition to Petr Cermak, a user from ESRF, Gianluca Santoni, may be invited to speak about COVID-19 research and how they will use PaNOSC resources for this Mousumi Upadhyay Kahaly (ELI-ALPS) may be one of the presenters of a use case. Here is the one published by Mousumi not long ago: https://www.panosc.eu/use-cases/panosc-use-case-18-in-silico-neutron-diffraction-from-boro-carbon-systems-precise-and-reliable-tool-for-exact-structural-analysis-and-defect-detection/

Feedback from Rudolf on EOSC-Future talk: to make the talk interesting for the user community, we may invite (e.g., 2) users who could provide inputs on what is still missing and could be useful for the PaN community of users doing interdisciplinary research. If may be good to have people from the EC in the audience to listen to such feedback.

My comment:

Two use cases which refer to software which are already available for the users are those about fidviewer and xrffitvis fidviewer is related to NMR. It may still be presented, as NMR is complementary to PaN techniques.

LENS talk (Input from Jean-François and Stuart): If on technical aspects, Paolo Mutti from ILL could act as representative of LENS. He is in charge of acquisition and software analysis development at ILL. If on sustainability: Stuart Caunt (ILL) will ask at ILL who could represent LENS for this topic.

NicolettaCarboni commented 3 years ago

Speakers who confirmed their availability to give a talk at the PaNOSC-ExPaNDS symposium:

servansod commented 2 years ago


:raising_hand: :raising_hand_man: Alun, Patrick, Isabelle, Andy, Jordi, Sophie, Kat

Date and format

:warning: Decision for a 100% remote event, shortened to only the plenary talks of the first half-day (symposium).

Each WP can still decide to meet or not on days 2 and 3 but no "all-hands" will be kept in this virtual format. The experience of last year's AM shows that we would need real interaction for these days to be as successful and helpful as possible. Therefore we decided to postpone the "all-hands" part of the annual meeting to spring / early summer 2022 with the hopes of having it F2F in Zürich. As an online event, it was agreed to move the symposium to the morning, from 9:30 to 13:00 (Central Europe).

Symposium programme

Taking previous comments into account, here is what was suggested for the agenda:

k-roarty commented 2 years ago


🙋 🙋‍♂️ Andy, Jordi, Sophie, Valentina & Kat

Notes and taken during meeting:


Actions carried over from last meeting:

Agenda Time (London) Topic Speaker
08:30 - 08:35 Housekeeping Kat Roarty
08:35 - 08:55 Project overview Patrick Fuhrmann / Andy Goetz
08:55 - 09:15 LEAPS overview Caterina Biscari
09:15 - 09:35 LENS overview Robert McGreevy
09:35 - 10:00 Q&A  
10:00 - 10:15 Coffee Break  
10:15 - 10:30 PaNOSC Use Case 1 Petr Čermák / ILL
10:30 - 10:45 PaNOSC Use Case 2 TBC
10:45 - 11:00 PaNOSC Use Case 3 TBC
11:00 - 11:15 ExPaNDS Use Case 1 TBC
11:15 - 11:30 ExPaNDS Use Case 2 TBC
11:30 - 11:45 ExPaNDS Use Case 3 Training Use Case / SOLEIL
11:45 - 12:00 Wrap up Patrick Fuhrmann / Andy Götz

Next meeting scheduled for the 29th September at 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST. (separate calendar invitation sent) https://diamondlight.zoom.us/j/94395801094?pwd=SG1zSHR0WVlvTXJVdTQvTXh0K3BuZz09 Meeting ID: 943 9580 1094 Password: 252390

servansod commented 2 years ago


:raising_hand: :raising_hand_man: Alun, Isabelle, Kat, Nicoletta, Andy, Jordi, Sophie, Valentina



Next meeting

Next meeting scheduled for the 8th of October at 12am BST / 1pm CEST. Kat will send the invitation.

NicolettaCarboni commented 2 years ago

The event's announcement was made public on social media and sent to all internal PaNOSC stakeholders, subscribers to our mailing list info@panosc.eu, partners in comms WP for wider dissemination at their facilities and users, user offices of all PaN RIs in Europe, CERIC partners (Elettra, Budapest Neutron Centres, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, TUGraz, Surphace Physics group at Charles University, Solaris Synchrotron, National Institute of Materials Physics in Romania, National Institute of Chemistry in Slovenia), ESUO representatives.

All PaNOSC speakers (Petr Cermak, Mousumi Upadhyay Kahaly and Yue Sun, were contacted and asked for the title + abstract of their presentation to be delivered possibly within Monday. It was also asked to make reference, in their presentations, to how FAIR data provided by PaNOSC are enabling these use cases.

Robert Mc Greevy was contacted and asked to report on LENS position to the questions submitted to the LEAPS GA in his talk.

The top banner in the indico page was updated.

servansod commented 2 years ago

Please find here the draft invitation letter for use case speakers. To be discussed tomorrow, but happy to receive comments until then.

k-roarty commented 2 years ago

Reminder message of event issued to all below for dissemination:

LEAPS (KR) - reminder issued 11/10/2021 LENS (KR) - reminder issued 11/10/2021 LS.org (KR) - reminder issued 11/10/2021 5b Projects (KR) - reminder issued 11/10/2021

In addition - speaker invitation sent to Frank von Delft, for ExPaNDS use case 3

servansod commented 2 years ago
Status of speakers: Name Invitation letter sent? Registered? Comments
Frank von Delft :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Jan-Christoph Deinert :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Kamel Madi :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Petr Cermák :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Mousumi Kahaly :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Yue Sun :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Caterina Biscari :heavy_check_mark: :x:
Robert Mc Greevy :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
NicolettaCarboni commented 2 years ago

Invitation letters sent to all PaNOSC speakers + Robert McGreevy. All of them have registered, apart from Mousumi

servansod commented 2 years ago

:warning: Careful new agenda - we might want to confirm the change to the speakers. Done for Jan and I also sent him Nicoletta's template in .pptx and .odp.

servansod commented 2 years ago

Final follow-up actions after symposium:

servansod commented 2 years ago

Event and all final actions done.