ExWeb3 / ex_keccak

Elixir library for computing Keccak SHA3-256 hashes using a NIF built tiny-keccak Rust crate.
Apache License 2.0
25 stars 20 forks source link

Bump rustler version to 0.23 #22

Closed ayrat555 closed 2 years ago

ayrat555 commented 2 years ago

Potentially it's breaking change because it's not possible to use two rustler nifs with different ruslter versions

so I think the library should be bumped to 0.3

Failed to use "rustler" (version 0.22.2) because
  ex_keccak (version 0.2.2) requires ~> 0.22.0
  ex_pbkdf2 (version 0.1.0) requires ~> 0.23
  mix.lock specifies 0.22.2
ayrat555 commented 2 years ago

@tzumby hello! can you please take a look?

tzumby commented 2 years ago

Thanks @ayrat555, agreed with the minor version bump 👍

ayrat555 commented 2 years ago

@tzumby will you do it? or should I create a pr?

ayrat555 commented 2 years ago

@tzumby https://github.com/tzumby/ex_keccak/pull/23