ExaWorks / SDK

ExaWorks SDK
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Idea: Table Showing SDK Components' Policy Compliance #1

Open SteVwonder opened 3 years ago

SteVwonder commented 3 years ago

It would be good to have table in the main Readme showing each component's compliance with the quantifiable Exaworks SDK policies.

As a strawman example using Flux:

Component OSI-License Code Repo Doc Link Contributor's Guide Spack Status Conda Status CI Status Test Coverage Portability
Flux LGPL-3.0 Link Link Link TODO (e.g., v0.23.0) TODO (e.g., v0.25.0) TODO (e.g., Passing) TODO (e.g., 80%) TODO (e.g., link to build matrix)

For the spack and conda status columns, we may need to generate that status ourselves in our own CI - specifically test that the package is built and working and report the latest version supported in that package ecosystem.

For the CI Status and Test coverage, we can probably just point to the CI of the project itself for now. If/when Exaworks has its own test suite for J/PSI, we could include that as well.

I'm not quite sure what to do about multi-repo projects like flux-framework and radical-cybertools. Maybe extra rows in the table - one per major sub-component.