Exafunction / codeium.el

Free, ultrafast Copilot alternative for Emacs
MIT License
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Very slow! #31

Closed PineTreePizza closed 1 year ago

PineTreePizza commented 1 year ago

Not sure if it's my hardware or just the implementation of codeium in emacs but with the default config the completions come in very slowly, and sometimes I feel like if they do come in they never get suggested to me, the issue with speed arose when I saw a friend use codeium in pycharm and it was blazing fast.

fortenforge commented 1 year ago

You should be seeing suggestions at about the same speed as the gif in the README: https://github.com/Exafunction/codeium.el

The gif wasn't sped up or altered in any way. (That said, network latency can cause completions to come in more slowly; United States users should see the fastest completions, and users in Asia should see slower ones).

Your hardware shouldn't matter too much in terms of the speed of completions unless your computer is unusually bad. The likelier candidate is something is wrong / bad with the way your emacs completion providers are configured. Do you have any other completion backends?

PineTreePizza commented 1 year ago

hmm im not sure whats causing it then (mb accidentally closed the issue) it seems that im getting the completions in the logs but they dont seem to reach me. I need to test, maybe lsp-mode or other completion backends could be messing with it.

PineTreePizza commented 1 year ago

so i was doing a bit of testing and I'm not sure what this means. image

fortenforge commented 1 year ago

None of the Treesitter errors or any errors in prompt.go are real failures; you can safely ignore these.

From what I'm seeing, the GetCompletions RPC is taking 0.46 / 0.13 seconds. This isn't super fast but is well within the normal range. Do your completions take much longer than this to actually show up?

PineTreePizza commented 1 year ago

I got it, so the completions work as intended just for some reason they don't show up as previews for some reason. I pressed tab to test and the completion came up, there is just no visual to it hmm.

PineTreePizza commented 1 year ago

yeah what im seeing is basically it generates it but i cant see the completion, also i can auto complete like 10% of the time from the genrated completion for some reason hmmm

fortenforge commented 1 year ago

My best guess is that there is some other completion backend that is taking precedence over Codeium. What is the order of your completion-at-point-functions variable? Is Codeium at the front?

PineTreePizza commented 1 year ago

How do I check my completion-at-point-functions variable? I'm semi-new to emacs don't have all the quirks ironed out mb

PineTreePizza commented 1 year ago

oh, just checked, right now the only thing is codeium in there, and this tags-completion-at-point not sure what that is

PineTreePizza commented 1 year ago

bruteforced it kinda works, not as fast as the video but eh, at least it works!

fortenforge commented 1 year ago

Can you explain what you did? What does "bruteforced it" mean?

PineTreePizza commented 1 year ago

its very funny cause I don't remember i can check my init.el and see i was very sleep deprived lol