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fix: fix win32 detection #33

Closed ww-daniel-mora closed 1 year ago

ww-daniel-mora commented 1 year ago
WillEhrendreich commented 1 year ago

this breaks me. I'm not sure why but the original vim.fn.has("win32") works just fine but this new call is coming up false. im on win10

ww-daniel-mora commented 1 year ago

Can you post :lua =vim.fn Then we can make a more robust check

WillEhrendreich commented 1 year ago

@ww-daniel-mora what do you mean? literally give the output of :lua = vim.fn? that's this:

{ argc = <function 1>, bufadd = <function 2>, bufload = <function 3>, bufloaded = <function 4>, bufname = <function 5>, bufwinid = <function 6>, bufwinnr = <function 7>, col = <function 8>, confirm = <function 9>, environ = <function 10>, escape = <function 11>, executable = <function 12>, execute = <function 13>, exepath = <function 14>, exists = <function 15>, expand = <function 16>, filereadable = <function 17>, fnameescape = <function 18>, fnamemodify = <function 19>, foldclosed = <function 20>, foldclosedend = <function 21>, getbufinfo = <function 22>, getchar = <function 23>, getcharstr = <function 24>, getcmdline = <function 25>, getcmdpos = <function 26>, getcmdtype = <function 27>, getcmdwintype = <function 28>, getcompletion = <function 29>, getcurpos = <function 30>, getcursorcharpos = <function 31>, getcwd = <function 32>, getenv = <function 33>, getftime = <function 34>, getline = <function 35>, gettabinfo = <function 36>, glob = <function 37>, has = <function 38>, hlID = <function 39>, hlexists = <function 40>, indent = <function 41>, inputlist = <function 42>, isdirectory = <function 43>, jobstart = <function 44>, jobstop = <function 45>, jobwait = <function 46>, json_decode = <function 47>, json_encode = <function 48>, line = <function 49>, localtime = <function 50>, maparg = <function 51>, mapcheck = <function 52>, match = <function 53>, matchlist = <function 54>, mkdir = <function 55>, mode = <function 56>, nextnonblank = <function 57>, prevnonblank = <function 58>, prompt_setprompt = <function 59>, pumvisible = <function 60>, reg_executing = <function 61>, reg_recording = <function 62>, screencol = <function 63>, screenpos = <function 64>, screenrow = <function 65>, setenv = <function 66>, setwinvar = <function 67>, sha256 = <function 68>, shiftwidth = <function 69>, sign_define = <function 70>, sign_getdefined = <function 71>, sign_getplaced = <function 72>, sign_placelist = <function 73>, sign_unplace = <function 74>, split = <function 75>, stdpath = <function 76>, strcharpart = <function 77>, strchars = <function 78>, strdisplaywidth = <function 79>, strftime = <function 80>, strlen = <function 81>, substitute = <function 82>, synID = <function 83>, synIDattr = <function 84>, synIDtrans = <function 85>, synstack = <function 86>, tabpagenr = <function 87>, tempname = <function 88>, toupper = <function 89>, virtcol = <function 90>, win_findbuf = <function 91>, win_gettype = <function 92>, winheight = <function 93>, winlayout = <function 94>, winrestview = <function 95>, winsaveview = <function 96>,

= { __index = } }
ww-daniel-mora commented 1 year ago

Thank you @WillEhrendreich that's exactly what I wanted. That has check is always returning true and "win32" is obviously not a meaningful thing to check on anyways since it does not show up in your vim.fn table either. Let me see if we determine platform another way and update the check.

ww-daniel-mora commented 1 year ago

I asked in you pr as well but can you post the output of this call as well :lua =vim.loop.os_uname().sysname