Exafunction / codeium.vim

Free, ultrafast Copilot alternative for Vim and Neovim
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Wrong Language Server #369

Open guilhermeyo opened 3 weeks ago

guilhermeyo commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, I had an M1, and after putting in my nvim plugins:

    config = function ()
      -- Change '<C-g>' here to any keycode you like.
      vim.keymap.set('i', '<C-g>', function () return vim.fn['codeium#Accept']() end, { expr = true, silent = true })
      vim.keymap.set('i', '<c-;>', function() return vim.fn['codeium#CycleCompletions'](1) end, { expr = true, silent = true })
      vim.keymap.set('i', '<c-,>', function() return vim.fn['codeium#CycleCompletions'](-1) end, { expr = true, silent = true })
      vim.keymap.set('i', '<c-x>', function() return vim.fn['codeium#Clear']() end, { expr = true, silent = true })

Intall the plugin:

My nvim starts with this error:

Error detected while processing function codeium#server#Start[58]..<SNR>49_ActuallyStart:
line   19:
E903: Process failed to start: Unknown system error -8: "/Users/guilherme/.codeium/bin/c9ee08628270937c0e7c7740dd6931363217942f/language_server_windows_x64.exe"

Why language_server_windows_x64.exe? How do I set it to use language_server_macos_arm?

nvim config

NVIM v0.9.5
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.1713773202

   system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/neovim/0.9.5/share/nvim"

Macbook M1 OS Sonoma

Thanks, Guilherme

pqn commented 2 weeks ago

What do uname and uname -m get you?


Barmaley0 commented 2 weeks ago

Have you solved this problem?