Exafunction / codeium

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high cpu usage when moving code around #17

Open zammew opened 7 months ago

zammew commented 7 months ago

hi, i noticed that as i move code around by shifting lines up and down, the language server can cause the cpu can spike to 50-90%. i chose to turn off autocomplete for the language (tsx) but the cpu spike still happens. is there a toggle or keyboard shortcut to turn off autocomplete to prevent power drain on my pc, and turn it back on when i need autocomplete?

zammew commented 7 months ago

to add more info to the issue im facing: im using the extension on vscodium, on a file with 2000 LOC

pqn commented 7 months ago

What extension version are you using?

zammew commented 7 months ago

hi there, its v1.4.20 . let me know if you need anything else, logs, screen captures etc, im happy to provide. thanks

pqn commented 7 months ago

Would it be possible for you to share the file in which this is happening? If you can't post it here but are able to share it with us directly at hello@codeium.com we can take a look.

zammew commented 7 months ago

Hi Prem, dropped you an email.

zammew commented 7 months ago

Hi Prem,

I have attached a screen capture from my laptop showing the spike in cpu as I shift a block of code down ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gr_i_STXr4RSgcKUUAojMfE8xTr3SFou/view?usp=drive_link ) , please check out minute 0:30 . For demonstration purposes, I use code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/photopea/UPNG.js/master/UPNG.js which is about 1200+ LOC long, The screenshots shows that I disabled all settings in Codeium including turning off autocomplete but the language server still spikes the CPU as I move code around, killing my laptop battery fast. I have tried both v1.4.10 and v.1.4.20 and the spike in CPU happens in both versions. Appreciate your help.

[image: image.png]

[image: image.png]

On Sat, 25 Nov 2023 at 16:42, Kwang Sam Yew @.***> wrote:

Hi Prem,

I have attached a screen capture from my laptop showing the spike in cpu as I shift a block of code down ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gr_i_STXr4RSgcKUUAojMfE8xTr3SFou/view?usp=drive_link ) , please check out minute 0:30 . For demonstration purposes, I use code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/photopea/UPNG.js/master/UPNG.js which is about 1200+ LOC long, The screenshots shows that I disabled all settings in Codeium including turning off autocomplete but the language server still spikes the CPU as I move code around, killing my laptop battery fast. I have tried both v1.4.10 and v.1.4.20 and the spike in CPU happens in both versions. Appreciate your help.

[image: image.png]

[image: image.png]

On Sat, 25 Nov 2023 at 10:44, Prem Nair @.***> wrote:

Would it be possible for you to share the file in which this is happening? If you can't post it here but are able to share it with us directly at @.*** we can take a look.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/Exafunction/codeium/issues/17#issuecomment-1826194654, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AMVEVEROOG43V5XT5MOZYP3YGFLSRAVCNFSM6AAAAAA7TAXLFWVHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMYTQMRWGE4TINRVGQ . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

-- Regards, Yew Kwang Sam @.***

-- Regards, Yew Kwang Sam @.***

zammew commented 7 months ago

Hi Prem, to add on my previous message, here is a file of the code attached

On Sat, 25 Nov 2023 at 16:46, Kwang Sam Yew @.***> wrote:

Hi Prem,

I have attached a screen capture from my laptop showing the spike in cpu as I shift a block of code down ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gr_i_STXr4RSgcKUUAojMfE8xTr3SFou/view?usp=drive_link ) , please check out minute 0:30 . For demonstration purposes, I use code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/photopea/UPNG.js/master/UPNG.js which is about 1200+ LOC long, The screenshots shows that I disabled all settings in Codeium including turning off autocomplete but the language server still spikes the CPU as I move code around, killing my laptop battery fast. I have tried both v1.4.10 and v.1.4.20 and the spike in CPU happens in both versions. Appreciate your help.

[image: image.png]

[image: image.png]

On Sat, 25 Nov 2023 at 16:42, Kwang Sam Yew @.***> wrote:

Hi Prem,

I have attached a screen capture from my laptop showing the spike in cpu as I shift a block of code down ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gr_i_STXr4RSgcKUUAojMfE8xTr3SFou/view?usp=drive_link ) , please check out minute 0:30 . For demonstration purposes, I use code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/photopea/UPNG.js/master/UPNG.js which is about 1200+ LOC long, The screenshots shows that I disabled all settings in Codeium including turning off autocomplete but the language server still spikes the CPU as I move code around, killing my laptop battery fast. I have tried both v1.4.10 and v.1.4.20 and the spike in CPU happens in both versions. Appreciate your help.

[image: image.png]

[image: image.png]

On Sat, 25 Nov 2023 at 10:44, Prem Nair @.***> wrote:

Would it be possible for you to share the file in which this is happening? If you can't post it here but are able to share it with us directly at @.*** we can take a look.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/Exafunction/codeium/issues/17#issuecomment-1826194654, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AMVEVEROOG43V5XT5MOZYP3YGFLSRAVCNFSM6AAAAAA7TAXLFWVHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMYTQMRWGE4TINRVGQ . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

-- Regards, Yew Kwang Sam @.***

-- Regards, Yew Kwang Sam @.***

-- Regards, Yew Kwang Sam @.***

var UPNG = (function() {

var _bin = {
    nextZero   : function(data,p)  {  while(data[p]!=0) p++;  return p;  },
    readUshort : function(buff,p)  {  return (buff[p]<< 8) | buff[p+1];  },
    writeUshort: function(buff,p,n){  buff[p] = (n>>8)&255;  buff[p+1] = n&255;  },
    readUint   : function(buff,p)  {  return (buff[p]*(256*256*256)) + ((buff[p+1]<<16) | (buff[p+2]<< 8) | buff[p+3]);  },
    writeUint  : function(buff,p,n){  buff[p]=(n>>24)&255;  buff[p+1]=(n>>16)&255;  buff[p+2]=(n>>8)&255;  buff[p+3]=n&255;  },
    readASCII  : function(buff,p,l){  var s = "";  for(var i=0; i<l; i++) s += String.fromCharCode(buff[p+i]);  return s;    },
    writeASCII : function(data,p,s){  for(var i=0; i<s.length; i++) data[p+i] = s.charCodeAt(i);  },
    readBytes  : function(buff,p,l){  var arr = [];   for(var i=0; i<l; i++) arr.push(buff[p+i]);   return arr;  },
    pad : function(n) { return n.length < 2 ? "0" + n : n; },
    readUTF8 : function(buff, p, l) {
        var s = "", ns;
        for(var i=0; i<l; i++) s += "%" + _bin.pad(buff[p+i].toString(16));
        try {  ns = decodeURIComponent(s); }
        catch(e) {  return _bin.readASCII(buff, p, l);  }
        return  ns;

function toRGBA8(out)
    var w = out.width, h = out.height;
    if(out.tabs.acTL==null) return [decodeImage(out.data, w, h, out).buffer];

    var frms = [];
    if(out.frames[0].data==null) out.frames[0].data = out.data;

    var len = w*h*4, img = new Uint8Array(len), empty = new Uint8Array(len), prev=new Uint8Array(len);
    for(var i=0; i<out.frames.length; i++)
        var frm = out.frames[i];
        var fx=frm.rect.x, fy=frm.rect.y, fw = frm.rect.width, fh = frm.rect.height;
        var fdata = decodeImage(frm.data, fw,fh, out);

        if(i!=0) for(var j=0; j<len; j++) prev[j]=img[j];

        if     (frm.blend==0) _copyTile(fdata, fw, fh, img, w, h, fx, fy, 0);
        else if(frm.blend==1) _copyTile(fdata, fw, fh, img, w, h, fx, fy, 1);


        if     (frm.dispose==0) {}
        else if(frm.dispose==1) _copyTile(empty, fw, fh, img, w, h, fx, fy, 0);
        else if(frm.dispose==2) for(var j=0; j<len; j++) img[j]=prev[j];
    return frms;
function decodeImage(data, w, h, out)
    var area = w*h, bpp = _getBPP(out);
    var bpl = Math.ceil(w*bpp/8);   // bytes per line

    var bf = new Uint8Array(area*4), bf32 = new Uint32Array(bf.buffer);
    var ctype = out.ctype, depth = out.depth;
    var rs = _bin.readUshort;

    //console.log(ctype, depth);
    var time = Date.now();

    if     (ctype==6) { // RGB + alpha
        var qarea = area<<2;
        if(depth== 8) for(var i=0; i<qarea;i+=4) {  bf[i] = data[i];  bf[i+1] = data[i+1];  bf[i+2] = data[i+2];  bf[i+3] = data[i+3]; }
        if(depth==16) for(var i=0; i<qarea;i++ ) {  bf[i] = data[i<<1];  }
    else if(ctype==2) { // RGB
        var ts=out.tabs["tRNS"];
        if(ts==null) {
            if(depth== 8) for(var i=0; i<area; i++) {  var ti=i*3;  bf32[i] = (255<<24)|(data[ti+2]<<16)|(data[ti+1]<<8)|data[ti];  }
            if(depth==16) for(var i=0; i<area; i++) {  var ti=i*6;  bf32[i] = (255<<24)|(data[ti+4]<<16)|(data[ti+2]<<8)|data[ti];  }
        else {  var tr=ts[0], tg=ts[1], tb=ts[2];
            if(depth== 8) for(var i=0; i<area; i++) {  var qi=i<<2, ti=i*3;  bf32[i] = (255<<24)|(data[ti+2]<<16)|(data[ti+1]<<8)|data[ti];
                if(data[ti]   ==tr && data[ti+1]   ==tg && data[ti+2]   ==tb) bf[qi+3] = 0;  }
            if(depth==16) for(var i=0; i<area; i++) {  var qi=i<<2, ti=i*6;  bf32[i] = (255<<24)|(data[ti+4]<<16)|(data[ti+2]<<8)|data[ti];
                if(rs(data,ti)==tr && rs(data,ti+2)==tg && rs(data,ti+4)==tb) bf[qi+3] = 0;  }
    else if(ctype==3) { // palette
        var p=out.tabs["PLTE"], ap=out.tabs["tRNS"], tl=ap?ap.length:0;
        //console.log(p, ap);
        if(depth==1) for(var y=0; y<h; y++) {  var s0 = y*bpl, t0 = y*w;
            for(var i=0; i<w; i++) { var qi=(t0+i)<<2, j=((data[s0+(i>>3)]>>(7-((i&7)<<0)))& 1), cj=3*j;  bf[qi]=p[cj];  bf[qi+1]=p[cj+1];  bf[qi+2]=p[cj+2];  bf[qi+3]=(j<tl)?ap[j]:255;  }
        if(depth==2) for(var y=0; y<h; y++) {  var s0 = y*bpl, t0 = y*w;
            for(var i=0; i<w; i++) { var qi=(t0+i)<<2, j=((data[s0+(i>>2)]>>(6-((i&3)<<1)))& 3), cj=3*j;  bf[qi]=p[cj];  bf[qi+1]=p[cj+1];  bf[qi+2]=p[cj+2];  bf[qi+3]=(j<tl)?ap[j]:255;  }
        if(depth==4) for(var y=0; y<h; y++) {  var s0 = y*bpl, t0 = y*w;
            for(var i=0; i<w; i++) { var qi=(t0+i)<<2, j=((data[s0+(i>>1)]>>(4-((i&1)<<2)))&15), cj=3*j;  bf[qi]=p[cj];  bf[qi+1]=p[cj+1];  bf[qi+2]=p[cj+2];  bf[qi+3]=(j<tl)?ap[j]:255;  }
        if(depth==8) for(var i=0; i<area; i++ ) {  var qi=i<<2, j=data[i]                      , cj=3*j;  bf[qi]=p[cj];  bf[qi+1]=p[cj+1];  bf[qi+2]=p[cj+2];  bf[qi+3]=(j<tl)?ap[j]:255;  }
    else if(ctype==4) { // gray + alpha
        if(depth== 8)  for(var i=0; i<area; i++) {  var qi=i<<2, di=i<<1, gr=data[di];  bf[qi]=gr;  bf[qi+1]=gr;  bf[qi+2]=gr;  bf[qi+3]=data[di+1];  }
        if(depth==16)  for(var i=0; i<area; i++) {  var qi=i<<2, di=i<<2, gr=data[di];  bf[qi]=gr;  bf[qi+1]=gr;  bf[qi+2]=gr;  bf[qi+3]=data[di+2];  }
    else if(ctype==0) { // gray
        var tr = out.tabs["tRNS"] ? out.tabs["tRNS"] : -1;
        for(var y=0; y<h; y++) {
            var off = y*bpl, to = y*w;
            if     (depth== 1) for(var x=0; x<w; x++) {  var gr=255*((data[off+(x>>>3)]>>>(7 -((x&7)   )))& 1), al=(gr==tr*255)?0:255;  bf32[to+x]=(al<<24)|(gr<<16)|(gr<<8)|gr;  }
            else if(depth== 2) for(var x=0; x<w; x++) {  var gr= 85*((data[off+(x>>>2)]>>>(6 -((x&3)<<1)))& 3), al=(gr==tr* 85)?0:255;  bf32[to+x]=(al<<24)|(gr<<16)|(gr<<8)|gr;  }
            else if(depth== 4) for(var x=0; x<w; x++) {  var gr= 17*((data[off+(x>>>1)]>>>(4 -((x&1)<<2)))&15), al=(gr==tr* 17)?0:255;  bf32[to+x]=(al<<24)|(gr<<16)|(gr<<8)|gr;  }
            else if(depth== 8) for(var x=0; x<w; x++) {  var gr=data[off+     x], al=(gr                 ==tr)?0:255;  bf32[to+x]=(al<<24)|(gr<<16)|(gr<<8)|gr;  }
            else if(depth==16) for(var x=0; x<w; x++) {  var gr=data[off+(x<<1)], al=(rs(data,off+(x<<1))==tr)?0:255;  bf32[to+x]=(al<<24)|(gr<<16)|(gr<<8)|gr;  }
    return bf;

function decode(buff)
    var data = new Uint8Array(buff), offset = 8, bin = _bin, rUs = bin.readUshort, rUi = bin.readUint;
    var out = {tabs:{}, frames:[]};
    var dd = new Uint8Array(data.length), doff = 0;  // put all IDAT data into it
    var fd, foff = 0;   // frames

    var mgck = [0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a];
    for(var i=0; i<8; i++) if(data[i]!=mgck[i]) throw "The input is not a PNG file!";

        var len  = bin.readUint(data, offset);  offset += 4;
        var type = bin.readASCII(data, offset, 4);  offset += 4;

        if     (type=="IHDR")  {  _IHDR(data, offset, out);  }
        else if(type=="iCCP")  {
            var off = offset;  while(data[off]!=0) off++;
            var nam = bin.readASCII(data,offset,off-offset);
            var cpr = data[off+1];
            var fil = data.slice(off+2,offset+len);
            var res = null;
            try { res = _inflate(fil); } catch(e) {  res = inflateRaw(fil);  }
            out.tabs[type] = res;
        else if(type=="CgBI")  {  out.tabs[type] = data.slice(offset,offset+4);  }
        else if(type=="IDAT") {
            for(var i=0; i<len; i++) dd[doff+i] = data[offset+i];
            doff += len;
        else if(type=="acTL")  {
            out.tabs[type] = {  num_frames:rUi(data, offset), num_plays:rUi(data, offset+4)  };
            fd = new Uint8Array(data.length);
        else if(type=="fcTL")  {
            if(foff!=0) {  var fr = out.frames[out.frames.length-1];
                fr.data = _decompress(out, fd.slice(0,foff), fr.rect.width, fr.rect.height);  foff=0;
            var rct = {x:rUi(data, offset+12),y:rUi(data, offset+16),width:rUi(data, offset+4),height:rUi(data, offset+8)};
            var del = rUs(data, offset+22);  del = rUs(data, offset+20) / (del==0?100:del);
            var frm = {rect:rct, delay:Math.round(del*1000), dispose:data[offset+24], blend:data[offset+25]};
        else if(type=="fdAT") {
            for(var i=0; i<len-4; i++) fd[foff+i] = data[offset+i+4];
            foff += len-4;
        else if(type=="pHYs") {
            out.tabs[type] = [bin.readUint(data, offset), bin.readUint(data, offset+4), data[offset+8]];
        else if(type=="cHRM") {
            out.tabs[type] = [];
            for(var i=0; i<8; i++) out.tabs[type].push(bin.readUint(data, offset+i*4));
        else if(type=="tEXt" || type=="zTXt") {
            if(out.tabs[type]==null) out.tabs[type] = {};
            var nz = bin.nextZero(data, offset);
            var keyw = bin.readASCII(data, offset, nz-offset);
            var text, tl=offset+len-nz-1;
            if(type=="tEXt") text = bin.readASCII(data, nz+1, tl);
            else {
                var bfr = _inflate(data.slice(nz+2,nz+2+tl));
                text = bin.readUTF8(bfr,0,bfr.length);
            out.tabs[type][keyw] = text;
        else if(type=="iTXt") {
            if(out.tabs[type]==null) out.tabs[type] = {};
            var nz = 0, off = offset;
            nz = bin.nextZero(data, off);
            var keyw = bin.readASCII(data, off, nz-off);  off = nz + 1;
            var cflag = data[off], cmeth = data[off+1];  off+=2;
            nz = bin.nextZero(data, off);
            var ltag = bin.readASCII(data, off, nz-off);  off = nz + 1;
            nz = bin.nextZero(data, off);
            var tkeyw = bin.readUTF8(data, off, nz-off);  off = nz + 1;
            var text, tl=len-(off-offset);
            if(cflag==0) text  = bin.readUTF8(data, off, tl);
            else {
                var bfr = _inflate(data.slice(off,off+tl));
                text = bin.readUTF8(bfr,0,bfr.length);
            out.tabs[type][keyw] = text;
        else if(type=="PLTE") {
            out.tabs[type] = bin.readBytes(data, offset, len);
        else if(type=="hIST") {
            var pl = out.tabs["PLTE"].length/3;
            out.tabs[type] = [];  for(var i=0; i<pl; i++) out.tabs[type].push(rUs(data, offset+i*2));
        else if(type=="tRNS") {
            if     (out.ctype==3) out.tabs[type] = bin.readBytes(data, offset, len);
            else if(out.ctype==0) out.tabs[type] = rUs(data, offset);
            else if(out.ctype==2) out.tabs[type] = [ rUs(data,offset),rUs(data,offset+2),rUs(data,offset+4) ];
            //else console.log("tRNS for unsupported color type",out.ctype, len);
        else if(type=="gAMA") out.tabs[type] = bin.readUint(data, offset)/100000;
        else if(type=="sRGB") out.tabs[type] = data[offset];
        else if(type=="bKGD")
            if     (out.ctype==0 || out.ctype==4) out.tabs[type] = [rUs(data, offset)];
            else if(out.ctype==2 || out.ctype==6) out.tabs[type] = [rUs(data, offset), rUs(data, offset+2), rUs(data, offset+4)];
            else if(out.ctype==3) out.tabs[type] = data[offset];
        else if(type=="IEND") {
        //else {  console.log("unknown chunk type", type, len);  out.tabs[type]=data.slice(offset,offset+len);  }
        offset += len;
        var crc = bin.readUint(data, offset);  offset += 4;
    if(foff!=0) {  var fr = out.frames[out.frames.length-1];
        fr.data = _decompress(out, fd.slice(0,foff), fr.rect.width, fr.rect.height);
    out.data = _decompress(out, dd, out.width, out.height);

    delete out.compress;  delete out.interlace;  delete out.filter;
    return out;

function _decompress(out, dd, w, h) {
    var time = Date.now();
    var bpp = _getBPP(out), bpl = Math.ceil(w*bpp/8), buff = new Uint8Array((bpl+1+out.interlace)*h);
    if(out.tabs["CgBI"]) dd = inflateRaw(dd,buff);
    else                 dd = _inflate(dd,buff);
    //console.log(dd.length, buff.length);

    var time=Date.now();
    if     (out.interlace==0) dd = _filterZero(dd, out, 0, w, h);
    else if(out.interlace==1) dd = _readInterlace(dd, out);
    return dd;

function _inflate(data, buff) {  var out=inflateRaw(new Uint8Array(data.buffer, 2,data.length-6),buff);  return out;  }

var inflateRaw=function(){var D=function(){var o=Uint16Array,j=Uint32Array;return{m:new o(16),v:new o(16),
z:[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0,0,0,0],B:new o(32),
w:[0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13,0,0],h:new j(32),g:new o(512),s:[],A:new o(32),t:[],k:new o(32768),c:[],
a:[],n:new o(32768),e:[],C:new o(512),b:[],i:new o(1<<15),r:new j(286),f:new j(30),l:new j(19),u:new j(15e3),q:new o(1<<16),j:new o(1<<15)}}();

function C(o,j){var I=o.length,A,r,i,y,G,f=D.v;for(var y=0;y<=j;y++)f[y]=0;for(y=1;y<I;y+=2)f[o[y]]++; var a=D.m;A=0;f[0]=0;for(r=1;r<=j;r++){A=A+f[r-1]<<1;a[r]=A}for(i=0;i<I;i+=2){G=o[i+1];if(G!=0){o[i]=a[G]; a[G]++}}}function t(o,j,I){var A=o.length,r=D.i;for(var i=0;i<A;i+=2)if(o[i+1]!=0){var y=i>>1,G=o[i+1],f=y<<4|G,a=j-G,k=o[i]<<a,N=k+(1<<a); while(k!=N){var x=r[k]>>>15-j;I[x]=f;k++}}}function g(o,j){var I=D.i,A=15-j;for(var r=0;r<o.length;r+=2){var i=o[r]<<j-o[r+1]; o[r]=I[i]>>>A}}(function(){var o=1<<15;for(var j=0;j<o;j++){var I=j;I=(I&2863311530)>>>1|(I&1431655765)<<1; I=(I&3435973836)>>>2|(I&858993459)<<2;I=(I&4042322160)>>>4|(I&252645135)<<4;I=(I&4278255360)>>>8|(I&16711935)<<8; D.i[j]=(I>>>16|I<<16)>>>17}function A(r,i,y){while(i--!=0)r.push(0,y)}for(var j=0;j<32;j++){D.B[j]=D.o[j]<<3|D.z[j]; D.h[j]=D.p[j]<<4|D.w[j]}A(D.s,144,8);A(D.s,255-143,9);A(D.s,279-255,7);A(D.s,287-279,8);C(D.s,9);t(D.s,9,D.g); g(D.s,9);A(D.t,32,5);C(D.t,5);t(D.t,5,D.A);g(D.t,5);A(D.b,19,0);A(D.c,286,0);A(D.e,30,0);A(D.a,320,0)}()); function F(o,j,I){return(o[j>>>3]|o[(j>>>3)+1]<<8)>>>(j&7)&(1<<I)-1}function s(o,j,I){return(o[j>>>3]|o[(j>>>3)+1]<<8|o[(j>>>3)+2]<<16)>>>(j&7)&(1<<I)-1} function w(o,j){return(o[j>>>3]|o[(j>>>3)+1]<<8|o[(j>>>3)+2]<<16)>>>(j&7)}function b(o,j){return(o[j>>>3]|o[(j>>>3)+1]<<8|o[(j>>>3)+2]<<16|o[(j>>>3)+3]<<24)>>>(j&7)} function v(o,j){var I=Uint8Array,r=0,i=0,y=0,G=0,f=0,a=0,k=0,N=0,x=0,P,J; if(o[0]==3&&o[1]==0)return j?j:new I(0);var A=j==null;if(A)j=new I(o.length>>>2<<3);while(r==0){r=s(o,x,1); i=s(o,x+1,2);x+=3;if(i==0){if((x&7)!=0)x+=8-(x&7);var K=(x>>>3)+4,m=o[K-4]|o[K-3]<<8;if(A)j=H(j,N+m); j.set(new I(o.buffer,o.byteOffset+K,m),N);x=K+m<<3;N+=m;continue}if(A)j=H(j,N+(1<<17));if(i==1){P=D.g; J=D.A;a=(1<<9)-1;k=(1<<5)-1}if(i==2){y=F(o,x,5)+257;G=F(o,x+5,5)+1;f=F(o,x+10,4)+4;x+=14;var O=x,Q=1; for(var p=0;p<38;p+=2){D.b[p]=0;D.b[p+1]=0}for(var p=0;p<f;p++){var l=F(o,x+p3,3);D.b[(D.d[p]<<1)+1]=l; if(l>Q)Q=l}x+=3f;C(D.b,Q);t(D.b,Q,D.C);P=D.k;J=D.n;x=B(D.C,(1<<Q)-1,y+G,o,x,D.a);var u=d(D.a,0,y,D.c); a=(1<<u)-1;var n=d(D.a,y,G,D.e);k=(1<<n)-1;C(D.c,u);t(D.c,u,P);C(D.e,n);t(D.e,n,J)}while(!0){var h=P[w(o,x)&a]; x+=h&15;var L=h>>>4;if(L>>>8==0){j[N++]=L}else if(L==256){break}else{var M=N+L-254;if(L>264){var z=D.B[L-257]; M=N+(z>>>3)+F(o,x,z&7);x+=z&7}var e=J[w(o,x)&k];x+=e&15;var E=e>>>4,c=D.h[E],q=(c>>>4)+s(o,x,c&15);x+=c&15; if(A)j=H(j,N+(1<<17));while(N<M){j[N]=j[N++-q];j[N]=j[N++-q];j[N]=j[N++-q];j[N]=j[N++-q]}N=M}}}return j.length==N?j:j.slice(0,N)}function H(o,j){var I=o.length; if(j<=I)return o;var A=new Uint8Array(Math.max(I<<1,j));A.set(o,0);return A}function B(o,j,I,A,r,i){var y=0; while(y<I){var G=o[w(A,r)&j];r+=G&15;var f=G>>>4;if(f<=15){i[y]=f;y++}else{var a=0,k=0;if(f==16){k=3+F(A,r,2); r+=2;a=i[y-1]}else if(f==17){k=3+F(A,r,3);r+=3}else if(f==18){k=11+F(A,r,7);r+=7}var N=y+k;while(y<N){i[y]=a; y++}}}return r}function d(o,j,I,A){var r=0,i=0,y=A.length>>>1;while(i<I){var G=o[i+j];A[i<<1]=0;A[(i<<1)+1]=G; if(G>r)r=G;i++}while(i<y){A[i<<1]=0;A[(i<<1)+1]=0;i++}return r}return v}();

function _readInterlace(data, out)
    var w = out.width, h = out.height;
    var bpp = _getBPP(out), cbpp = bpp>>3, bpl = Math.ceil(w*bpp/8);
    var img = new Uint8Array( h * bpl );
    var di = 0;

    var starting_row  = [ 0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1 ];
    var starting_col  = [ 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0 ];
    var row_increment = [ 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2 ];
    var col_increment = [ 8, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1 ];

    var pass=0;
        var ri = row_increment[pass], ci = col_increment[pass];
        var sw = 0, sh = 0;
        var cr = starting_row[pass];  while(cr<h) {  cr+=ri;  sh++;  }
        var cc = starting_col[pass];  while(cc<w) {  cc+=ci;  sw++;  }
        var bpll = Math.ceil(sw*bpp/8);
        _filterZero(data, out, di, sw, sh);

        var y=0, row = starting_row[pass];
            var col = starting_col[pass];
            var cdi = (di+y*bpll)<<3;

                if(bpp==1) {
                    var val = data[cdi>>3];  val = (val>>(7-(cdi&7)))&1;
                    img[row*bpl + (col>>3)] |= (val << (7-((col&7)<<0)));
                if(bpp==2) {
                    var val = data[cdi>>3];  val = (val>>(6-(cdi&7)))&3;
                    img[row*bpl + (col>>2)] |= (val << (6-((col&3)<<1)));
                if(bpp==4) {
                    var val = data[cdi>>3];  val = (val>>(4-(cdi&7)))&15;
                    img[row*bpl + (col>>1)] |= (val << (4-((col&1)<<2)));
                if(bpp>=8) {
                    var ii = row*bpl+col*cbpp;
                    for(var j=0; j<cbpp; j++) img[ii+j] = data[(cdi>>3)+j];
                cdi+=bpp;  col+=ci;
            y++;  row += ri;
        if(sw*sh!=0) di += sh * (1 + bpll);
        pass = pass + 1;
    return img;

function _getBPP(out) {
    var noc = [1,null,3,1,2,null,4][out.ctype];
    return noc * out.depth;

function _filterZero(data, out, off, w, h)
    var bpp = _getBPP(out), bpl = Math.ceil(w*bpp/8);
    bpp = Math.ceil(bpp/8);

    var i,di, type=data[off], x=0;

    if(type>1) data[off]=[0,0,1][type-2];  
    if(type==3) for(x=bpp; x<bpl; x++) data[x+1] = (data[x+1] + (data[x+1-bpp]>>>1) )&255;

    for(var y=0; y<h; y++)  {
        i = off+y*bpl; di = i+y+1;
        type = data[di-1]; x=0;

        if     (type==0)   for(; x<bpl; x++) data[i+x] = data[di+x];
        else if(type==1) { for(; x<bpp; x++) data[i+x] = data[di+x];
                           for(; x<bpl; x++) data[i+x] = (data[di+x] + data[i+x-bpp]);  }
        else if(type==2) { for(; x<bpl; x++) data[i+x] = (data[di+x] + data[i+x-bpl]);  }
        else if(type==3) { for(; x<bpp; x++) data[i+x] = (data[di+x] + ( data[i+x-bpl]>>>1));
                           for(; x<bpl; x++) data[i+x] = (data[di+x] + ((data[i+x-bpl]+data[i+x-bpp])>>>1) );  }
        else             { for(; x<bpp; x++) data[i+x] = (data[di+x] + _paeth(0, data[i+x-bpl], 0));
                           for(; x<bpl; x++) data[i+x] = (data[di+x] + _paeth(data[i+x-bpp], data[i+x-bpl], data[i+x-bpp-bpl]) );  }
    return data;

function _paeth(a,b,c)
    var p = a+b-c, pa = (p-a), pb = (p-b), pc = (p-c);
    if (pa*pa <= pb*pb && pa*pa <= pc*pc)  return a;
    else if (pb*pb <= pc*pc)  return b;
    return c;

function _IHDR(data, offset, out)
    out.width  = _bin.readUint(data, offset);  offset += 4;
    out.height = _bin.readUint(data, offset);  offset += 4;
    out.depth     = data[offset];  offset++;
    out.ctype     = data[offset];  offset++;
    out.compress  = data[offset];  offset++;
    out.filter    = data[offset];  offset++;
    out.interlace = data[offset];  offset++;

function _copyTile(sb, sw, sh, tb, tw, th, xoff, yoff, mode)
    var w = Math.min(sw,tw), h = Math.min(sh,th);
    var si=0, ti=0;
    for(var y=0; y<h; y++)
        for(var x=0; x<w; x++)
            if(xoff>=0 && yoff>=0) {  si = (y*sw+x)<<2;  ti = (( yoff+y)*tw+xoff+x)<<2;  }
            else                   {  si = ((-yoff+y)*sw-xoff+x)<<2;  ti = (y*tw+x)<<2;  }

            if     (mode==0) {  tb[ti] = sb[si];  tb[ti+1] = sb[si+1];  tb[ti+2] = sb[si+2];  tb[ti+3] = sb[si+3];  }
            else if(mode==1) {
                var fa = sb[si+3]*(1/255), fr=sb[si]*fa, fg=sb[si+1]*fa, fb=sb[si+2]*fa; 
                var ba = tb[ti+3]*(1/255), br=tb[ti]*ba, bg=tb[ti+1]*ba, bb=tb[ti+2]*ba; 

                var ifa=1-fa, oa = fa+ba*ifa, ioa = (oa==0?0:1/oa);
                tb[ti+3] = 255*oa;  
                tb[ti+0] = (fr+br*ifa)*ioa;  
                tb[ti+1] = (fg+bg*ifa)*ioa;   
                tb[ti+2] = (fb+bb*ifa)*ioa;  
            else if(mode==2){   // copy only differences, otherwise zero
                var fa = sb[si+3], fr=sb[si], fg=sb[si+1], fb=sb[si+2]; 
                var ba = tb[ti+3], br=tb[ti], bg=tb[ti+1], bb=tb[ti+2]; 
                if(fa==ba && fr==br && fg==bg && fb==bb) {  tb[ti]=0;  tb[ti+1]=0;  tb[ti+2]=0;  tb[ti+3]=0;  }
                else {  tb[ti]=fr;  tb[ti+1]=fg;  tb[ti+2]=fb;  tb[ti+3]=fa;  }
            else if(mode==3){   // check if can be blended
                var fa = sb[si+3], fr=sb[si], fg=sb[si+1], fb=sb[si+2]; 
                var ba = tb[ti+3], br=tb[ti], bg=tb[ti+1], bb=tb[ti+2]; 
                if(fa==ba && fr==br && fg==bg && fb==bb) continue;
                //if(fa!=255 && ba!=0) return false;
                if(fa<220 && ba>20) return false;
    return true;

return {


(function() { var _copyTile = UPNG._copyTile, _bin=UPNG._bin, paeth = UPNG._paeth; var crcLib = { table : ( function() { var tab = new Uint32Array(256); for (var n=0; n<256; n++) { var c = n; for (var k=0; k<8; k++) { if (c & 1) c = 0xedb88320 ^ (c >>> 1); else c = c >>> 1; } tab[n] = c; } return tab; })(), update : function(c, buf, off, len) { for (var i=0; i<len; i++) c = crcLib.table[(c ^ buf[off+i]) & 0xff] ^ (c >>> 8); return c; }, crc : function(b,o,l) { return crcLib.update(0xffffffff,b,o,l) ^ 0xffffffff; } }

function addErr(er, tg, ti, f) {
    tg[ti]+=(er[0]*f)>>4;  tg[ti+1]+=(er[1]*f)>>4;  tg[ti+2]+=(er[2]*f)>>4;  tg[ti+3]+=(er[3]*f)>>4;  
function N(x) {  return Math.max(0, Math.min(255, x));  }
function D(a,b) {  var dr=a[0]-b[0], dg=a[1]-b[1], db=a[2]-b[2], da=a[3]-b[3];  return (dr*dr + dg*dg + db*db + da*da);  }

// MTD: 0: None, 1: floyd-steinberg, 2: Bayer
function dither(sb, w, h, plte, tb, oind, MTD) {
    if(MTD==null) MTD=1;        

    var pc=plte.length, nplt = [], rads=[];
    for(var i=0; i<pc; i++) {
        var c = plte[i];
        nplt.push([((c>>>0)&255), ((c>>>8)&255), ((c>>>16)&255), ((c>>>24)&255)]);
    for(var i=0; i<pc; i++) {
        var ne=0xffffffff, ni=0;
        for(var j=0; j<pc; j++) {  var ce=D(nplt[i],nplt[j]);  if(j!=i && ce<ne) {  ne=ce;  ni=j;  }  }
        var hd = Math.sqrt(ne)/2;
        rads[i] = ~~(hd*hd);

    var tb32 = new Uint32Array(tb.buffer);
    var err = new Int16Array(w*h*4);

    var S=2, M = [
        3,1];  //*/
    var S=4, M = [
         0, 8, 2,10,
        12, 4,14, 6,
         3,11, 1, 9,
        15, 7,13, 5 ];  //*/
    for(var i=0; i<M.length; i++) M[i] = 255*(-0.5 + (M[i]+0.5)/(S*S));

    for(var y=0; y<h; y++) {
        for(var x=0; x<w; x++) {
            var i = (y*w+x)*4;

            var cc;
            if(MTD!=2) cc = [N(sb[i]+err[i]), N(sb[i+1]+err[i+1]), N(sb[i+2]+err[i+2]), N(sb[i+3]+err[i+3])];
            else {
                var ce = M[(y&(S-1))*S+(x&(S-1))];
                cc = [N(sb[i]+ce), N(sb[i+1]+ce), N(sb[i+2]+ce), N(sb[i+3]+ce)];

            var ni=0, nd = 0xffffff;
            for(var j=0; j<pc; j++) {
                var cd = D(cc,nplt[j]);
                if(cd<nd) {  nd=cd;  ni=j;  }

            var nc = nplt[ni];
            var er = [cc[0]-nc[0], cc[1]-nc[1], cc[2]-nc[2], cc[3]-nc[3]];

            if(MTD==1) {
                //addErr(er, err, i+4, 16);
                if(x!=w-1) addErr(er, err, i+4    , 7);
                if(y!=h-1) {
                    if(x!=  0) addErr(er, err, i+4*w-4, 3);
                               addErr(er, err, i+4*w  , 5);
                    if(x!=w-1) addErr(er, err, i+4*w+4, 1);  
            oind[i>>2] = ni;  tb32[i>>2] = plte[ni];

function encode(bufs, w, h, ps, dels, tabs, forbidPlte)
    if(ps==null) ps=0;
    if(forbidPlte==null) forbidPlte = false;

    var nimg = compress(bufs, w, h, ps, [false, false, false, 0, forbidPlte,false]);
    compressPNG(nimg, -1);

    return _main(nimg, w, h, dels, tabs);

function encodeLL(bufs, w, h, cc, ac, depth, dels, tabs) {
    var nimg = {  ctype: 0 + (cc==1 ? 0 : 2) + (ac==0 ? 0 : 4),      depth: depth,  frames: []  };

    var time = Date.now();
    var bipp = (cc+ac)*depth, bipl = bipp * w;
    for(var i=0; i<bufs.length; i++)
        nimg.frames.push({  rect:{x:0,y:0,width:w,height:h},  img:new Uint8Array(bufs[i]), blend:0, dispose:1, bpp:Math.ceil(bipp/8), bpl:Math.ceil(bipl/8)  });

    compressPNG(nimg, 0, true);

    var out = _main(nimg, w, h, dels, tabs);
    return out;

function _main(nimg, w, h, dels, tabs) {
    if(tabs==null) tabs={};
    var crc = crcLib.crc, wUi = _bin.writeUint, wUs = _bin.writeUshort, wAs = _bin.writeASCII;
    var offset = 8, anim = nimg.frames.length>1, pltAlpha = false;

    var cicc;

    var leng = 8 + (16+5+4) /*+ (9+4)*/ + (anim ? 20 : 0);
    if(tabs["sRGB"]!=null) leng += 8+1+4;
    if(tabs["pHYs"]!=null) leng += 8+9+4;
    if(tabs["iCCP"]!=null) {  cicc = pako.deflate(tabs["iCCP"]);  leng += 8 + 11 + 2 + cicc.length + 4;  }
    if(nimg.ctype==3) {
        var dl = nimg.plte.length;
        for(var i=0; i<dl; i++) if((nimg.plte[i]>>>24)!=255) pltAlpha = true;
        leng += (8 + dl*3 + 4) + (pltAlpha ? (8 + dl*1 + 4) : 0);
    for(var j=0; j<nimg.frames.length; j++)
        var fr = nimg.frames[j];
        if(anim) leng += 38;
        leng += fr.cimg.length + 12;
        if(j!=0) leng+=4;
    leng += 12; 

    var data = new Uint8Array(leng);
    var wr=[0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a];
    for(var i=0; i<8; i++) data[i]=wr[i];

    wUi(data,offset, 13);     offset+=4;
    wAs(data,offset,"IHDR");  offset+=4;
    wUi(data,offset,w);  offset+=4;
    wUi(data,offset,h);  offset+=4;
    data[offset] = nimg.depth;  offset++;  // depth
    data[offset] = nimg.ctype;  offset++;  // ctype
    data[offset] = 0;  offset++;  // compress
    data[offset] = 0;  offset++;  // filter
    data[offset] = 0;  offset++;  // interlace
    wUi(data,offset,crc(data,offset-17,17));  offset+=4; // crc

    // 13 bytes to say, that it is sRGB
    if(tabs["sRGB"]!=null) {
        wUi(data,offset, 1);      offset+=4;
        wAs(data,offset,"sRGB");  offset+=4;
        data[offset] = tabs["sRGB"];  offset++;
        wUi(data,offset,crc(data,offset-5,5));  offset+=4; // crc
    if(tabs["iCCP"]!=null) {
        var sl = 11+2+cicc.length;
        wUi(data,offset, sl);  offset+=4;
        wAs(data,offset,"iCCP");  offset+=4;
        wAs(data,offset,"ICC profile");  offset+=11;  offset+=2;
        data.set(cicc, offset);  offset+=cicc.length;
        wUi(data,offset,crc(data,offset-(sl+4),sl+4));  offset+=4; // crc
    if(tabs["pHYs"]!=null) {
        wUi(data,offset, 9);      offset+=4;
        wAs(data,offset,"pHYs");  offset+=4;
        wUi(data,offset, tabs["pHYs"][0]);      offset+=4;
        wUi(data,offset, tabs["pHYs"][1]);      offset+=4;
        data[offset]=tabs["pHYs"][2];           offset++;
        wUi(data,offset,crc(data,offset-13,13));  offset+=4; // crc

    if(anim) {
        wUi(data,offset, 8);      offset+=4;
        wAs(data,offset,"acTL");  offset+=4;
        wUi(data,offset, nimg.frames.length);     offset+=4;
        wUi(data,offset, tabs["loop"]!=null?tabs["loop"]:0);      offset+=4;
        wUi(data,offset,crc(data,offset-12,12));  offset+=4; // crc

    if(nimg.ctype==3) {
        var dl = nimg.plte.length;
        wUi(data,offset, dl*3);  offset+=4;
        wAs(data,offset,"PLTE");  offset+=4;
        for(var i=0; i<dl; i++){
            var ti=i*3, c=nimg.plte[i], r=(c)&255, g=(c>>>8)&255, b=(c>>>16)&255;
            data[offset+ti+0]=r;  data[offset+ti+1]=g;  data[offset+ti+2]=b;
        wUi(data,offset,crc(data,offset-dl*3-4,dl*3+4));  offset+=4; // crc

        if(pltAlpha) {
            wUi(data,offset, dl);  offset+=4;
            wAs(data,offset,"tRNS");  offset+=4;
            for(var i=0; i<dl; i++)  data[offset+i]=(nimg.plte[i]>>>24)&255;
            wUi(data,offset,crc(data,offset-dl-4,dl+4));  offset+=4; // crc

    var fi = 0;
    for(var j=0; j<nimg.frames.length; j++)
        var fr = nimg.frames[j];
        if(anim) {
            wUi(data, offset, 26);     offset+=4;
            wAs(data, offset,"fcTL");  offset+=4;
            wUi(data, offset, fi++);   offset+=4;
            wUi(data, offset, fr.rect.width );   offset+=4;
            wUi(data, offset, fr.rect.height);   offset+=4;
            wUi(data, offset, fr.rect.x);   offset+=4;
            wUi(data, offset, fr.rect.y);   offset+=4;
            wUs(data, offset, dels[j]);   offset+=2;
            wUs(data, offset,  1000);   offset+=2;
            data[offset] = fr.dispose;  offset++;   // dispose
            data[offset] = fr.blend  ;  offset++;   // blend
            wUi(data,offset,crc(data,offset-30,30));  offset+=4; // crc

        var imgd = fr.cimg, dl = imgd.length;
        wUi(data,offset, dl+(j==0?0:4));     offset+=4;
        var ioff = offset;
        wAs(data,offset,(j==0)?"IDAT":"fdAT");  offset+=4;
        if(j!=0) {  wUi(data, offset, fi++);  offset+=4;  }
        offset += dl;
        wUi(data,offset,crc(data,ioff,offset-ioff));  offset+=4; // crc

    wUi(data,offset, 0);     offset+=4;
    wAs(data,offset,"IEND");  offset+=4;
    wUi(data,offset,crc(data,offset-4,4));  offset+=4; // crc

    return data.buffer;

function compressPNG(out, filter, levelZero) {
    for(var i=0; i<out.frames.length; i++) {
        var frm = out.frames[i], nw=frm.rect.width, nh=frm.rect.height;
        var fdata = new Uint8Array(nh*frm.bpl+nh);
        frm.cimg = _filterZero(frm.img,nh,frm.bpp,frm.bpl,fdata, filter, levelZero);

function compress(bufs, w, h, ps, prms) // prms:  onlyBlend, minBits, forbidPlte
    //var time = Date.now();
    var onlyBlend = prms[0], evenCrd = prms[1], forbidPrev = prms[2], minBits = prms[3], forbidPlte = prms[4], dith=prms[5];

    var ctype = 6, depth = 8, alphaAnd=255

    for(var j=0; j<bufs.length; j++)  {  // when not quantized, other frames can contain colors, that are not in an initial frame
        var img = new Uint8Array(bufs[j]), ilen = img.length;
        for(var i=0; i<ilen; i+=4) alphaAnd &= img[i+3];
    var gotAlpha = (alphaAnd!=255);

    //console.log("alpha check", Date.now()-time);  time = Date.now();

    //var brute = gotAlpha && forGIF;       // brute : frames can only be copied, not "blended"
    var frms = framize(bufs, w, h, onlyBlend, evenCrd, forbidPrev);
    //console.log("framize", Date.now()-time);  time = Date.now();

    var cmap={}, plte=[], inds=[]; 

    if(ps!=0) {
        var nbufs = [];  for(var i=0; i<frms.length; i++) nbufs.push(frms[i].img.buffer);

        var abuf = concatRGBA(nbufs), qres = quantize(abuf, ps);

        for(var i=0; i<qres.plte.length; i++) plte.push(qres.plte[i].est.rgba);

        var cof = 0;
        for(var i=0; i<frms.length; i++) {  
            var frm=frms[i], bln=frm.img.length, ind = new Uint8Array(qres.inds.buffer, cof>>2, bln>>2);  inds.push(ind);
            var bb = new Uint8Array(qres.abuf,cof,bln);

            //console.log(frm.img, frm.width, frm.height);
            //var time = Date.now();
            if(dith) dither(frm.img, frm.rect.width, frm.rect.height, plte, bb, ind);
            frm.img.set(bb);  cof+=bln;  

        //console.log("quantize", Date.now()-time);  time = Date.now();
    else {
        // what if ps==0, but there are <=256 colors?  we still need to detect, if the palette could be used
        for(var j=0; j<frms.length; j++)  {  // when not quantized, other frames can contain colors, that are not in an initial frame
            var frm = frms[j], img32 = new Uint32Array(frm.img.buffer), nw=frm.rect.width, ilen = img32.length;
            var ind = new Uint8Array(ilen);  inds.push(ind);
            for(var i=0; i<ilen; i++) {
                var c = img32[i];
                if     (i!=0 && c==img32[i- 1]) ind[i]=ind[i-1];
                else if(i>nw && c==img32[i-nw]) ind[i]=ind[i-nw];
                else {
                    var cmc = cmap[c];
                    if(cmc==null) {  cmap[c]=cmc=plte.length;  plte.push(c);  if(plte.length>=300) break;  }
        //console.log("make palette", Date.now()-time);  time = Date.now();

    var cc=plte.length; //console.log("colors:",cc);
    if(cc<=256 && forbidPlte==false) {
        if(cc<= 2) depth=1;  else if(cc<= 4) depth=2;  else if(cc<=16) depth=4;  else depth=8;
        depth =  Math.max(depth, minBits);

    for(var j=0; j<frms.length; j++)
        var frm = frms[j], nx=frm.rect.x, ny=frm.rect.y, nw=frm.rect.width, nh=frm.rect.height;
        var cimg = frm.img, cimg32 = new Uint32Array(cimg.buffer);
        var bpl = 4*nw, bpp=4;
        if(cc<=256 && forbidPlte==false) {
            bpl = Math.ceil(depth*nw/8);
            var nimg = new Uint8Array(bpl*nh);
            var inj = inds[j];
            for(var y=0; y<nh; y++) {  var i=y*bpl, ii=y*nw;
                if     (depth==8) for(var x=0; x<nw; x++) nimg[i+(x)   ]   =  (inj[ii+x]             );
                else if(depth==4) for(var x=0; x<nw; x++) nimg[i+(x>>1)]  |=  (inj[ii+x]<<(4-(x&1)*4));
                else if(depth==2) for(var x=0; x<nw; x++) nimg[i+(x>>2)]  |=  (inj[ii+x]<<(6-(x&3)*2));
                else if(depth==1) for(var x=0; x<nw; x++) nimg[i+(x>>3)]  |=  (inj[ii+x]<<(7-(x&7)*1));
            cimg=nimg;  ctype=3;  bpp=1;
        else if(gotAlpha==false && frms.length==1) {    // some next "reduced" frames may contain alpha for blending
            var nimg = new Uint8Array(nw*nh*3), area=nw*nh;
            for(var i=0; i<area; i++) { var ti=i*3, qi=i*4;  nimg[ti]=cimg[qi];  nimg[ti+1]=cimg[qi+1];  nimg[ti+2]=cimg[qi+2];  }
            cimg=nimg;  ctype=2;  bpp=3;  bpl=3*nw;
        frm.img=cimg;  frm.bpl=bpl;  frm.bpp=bpp;
    //console.log("colors => palette indices", Date.now()-time);  time = Date.now();

    return {ctype:ctype, depth:depth, plte:plte, frames:frms  };
function framize(bufs,w,h,alwaysBlend,evenCrd,forbidPrev) {
    /*  DISPOSE
        - 0 : no change
        - 1 : clear to transparent
        - 2 : retstore to content before rendering (previous frame disposed)
        - 0 : replace
        - 1 : blend
    var frms = [];
    for(var j=0; j<bufs.length; j++) {
        var cimg = new Uint8Array(bufs[j]), cimg32 = new Uint32Array(cimg.buffer);
        var nimg;

        var nx=0, ny=0, nw=w, nh=h, blend=alwaysBlend?1:0;
        if(j!=0) {
            var tlim = (forbidPrev || alwaysBlend || j==1 || frms[j-2].dispose!=0)?1:2, tstp = 0, tarea = 1e9;
            for(var it=0; it<tlim; it++)
                var pimg = new Uint8Array(bufs[j-1-it]), p32 = new Uint32Array(bufs[j-1-it]);
                var mix=w,miy=h,max=-1,may=-1;
                for(var y=0; y<h; y++) for(var x=0; x<w; x++) {
                    var i = y*w+x;
                    if(cimg32[i]!=p32[i]) {
                        if(x<mix) mix=x;  if(x>max) max=x;
                        if(y<miy) miy=y;  if(y>may) may=y;
                if(max==-1) mix=miy=max=may=0;
                if(evenCrd) {  if((mix&1)==1)mix--;  if((miy&1)==1)miy--;  }
                var sarea = (max-mix+1)*(may-miy+1);
                if(sarea<tarea) {
                    tarea = sarea;  tstp = it;
                    nx = mix; ny = miy; nw = max-mix+1; nh = may-miy+1;

            // alwaysBlend: pokud zjistím, že blendit nelze, nastavím předchozímu snímku dispose=1. Zajistím, aby obsahoval můj obdélník.
            var pimg = new Uint8Array(bufs[j-1-tstp]);
            if(tstp==1) frms[j-1].dispose = 2;

            nimg = new Uint8Array(nw*nh*4);
            _copyTile(pimg,w,h, nimg,nw,nh, -nx,-ny, 0);

            blend =  _copyTile(cimg,w,h, nimg,nw,nh, -nx,-ny, 3) ? 1 : 0;
            if(blend==1) _prepareDiff(cimg,w,h,nimg,{x:nx,y:ny,width:nw,height:nh});
            else         _copyTile(cimg,w,h, nimg,nw,nh, -nx,-ny, 0);
        else nimg = cimg.slice(0);  // img may be rewritten further ... don't rewrite input

        frms.push({rect:{x:nx,y:ny,width:nw,height:nh}, img:nimg, blend:blend, dispose:0});

    if(alwaysBlend) for(var j=0; j<frms.length; j++) {
        var frm = frms[j];  if(frm.blend==1) continue;
        var r0 = frm.rect, r1 = frms[j-1].rect
        var miX = Math.min(r0.x, r1.x), miY = Math.min(r0.y, r1.y);
        var maX = Math.max(r0.x+r0.width, r1.x+r1.width), maY = Math.max(r0.y+r0.height, r1.y+r1.height);
        var r = {x:miX, y:miY, width:maX-miX, height:maY-miY};

        frms[j-1].dispose = 1;
        _updateFrame(bufs, w,h,frms, j-1,r, evenCrd);
        _updateFrame(bufs, w,h,frms, j  ,r, evenCrd);
    var area = 0;
    if(bufs.length!=1) for(var i=0; i<frms.length; i++) {
        var frm = frms[i];
        area += frm.rect.width*frm.rect.height;
        //if(i==0 || frm.blend!=1) continue;
        //var ob = new Uint8Array(
        //console.log(frm.blend, frm.dispose, frm.rect);
    //if(area!=0) console.log(area);
    return frms;
function _updateFrame(bufs, w,h, frms, i, r, evenCrd) {
    var U8 = Uint8Array, U32 = Uint32Array;
    var pimg = new U8(bufs[i-1]), pimg32 = new U32(bufs[i-1]), nimg = i+1<bufs.length ? new U8(bufs[i+1]):null;
    var cimg = new U8(bufs[i]), cimg32 = new U32(cimg.buffer);

    var mix=w,miy=h,max=-1,may=-1;
    for(var y=0; y<r.height; y++) for(var x=0; x<r.width; x++) {
        var cx = r.x+x, cy = r.y+y;
        var j = cy*w+cx, cc = cimg32[j];
        // no need to draw transparency, or to dispose it. Or, if writing the same color and the next one does not need transparency.
        if(cc==0 || (frms[i-1].dispose==0 && pimg32[j]==cc && (nimg==null || nimg[j*4+3]!=0))/**/) {}
        else {
            if(cx<mix) mix=cx;  if(cx>max) max=cx;
            if(cy<miy) miy=cy;  if(cy>may) may=cy;
    if(max==-1) mix=miy=max=may=0;
    if(evenCrd) {  if((mix&1)==1)mix--;  if((miy&1)==1)miy--;  }
    r = {x:mix, y:miy, width:max-mix+1, height:may-miy+1};

    var fr = frms[i];  fr.rect = r;  fr.blend = 1;  fr.img = new Uint8Array(r.width*r.height*4);
    if(frms[i-1].dispose==0) {
        _copyTile(pimg,w,h, fr.img,r.width,r.height, -r.x,-r.y, 0);
        _copyTile(cimg,w,h, fr.img,r.width,r.height, -r.x,-r.y, 0);
function _prepareDiff(cimg, w,h, nimg, rec) {
    _copyTile(cimg,w,h, nimg,rec.width,rec.height, -rec.x,-rec.y, 2);

function _filterZero(img,h,bpp,bpl,data, filter, levelZero)
    var fls = [], ftry=[0,1,2,3,4];
    if     (filter!=-1)             ftry=[filter];
    else if(h*bpl>500000 || bpp==1) ftry=[0];
    var opts;  if(levelZero) opts={level:0};

    var CMPR = (data.length>10e6 && window.UZIP!=null) ? window.UZIP : pako;

    var time = Date.now();
    for(var i=0; i<ftry.length; i++) {
        for(var y=0; y<h; y++) _filterLine(data, img, y, bpl, bpp, ftry[i]);
        //var nimg = new Uint8Array(data.length);
        //var sz = UZIP.F.deflate(data, nimg);  fls.push(nimg.slice(0,sz));
        //var dfl = pako["deflate"](data), dl=dfl.length-4;
        //var crc = (dfl[dl+3]<<24)|(dfl[dl+2]<<16)|(dfl[dl+1]<<8)|(dfl[dl+0]<<0);
        //console.log(crc, UZIP.adler(data,2,data.length-6));

    var ti, tsize=1e9;
    for(var i=0; i<fls.length; i++) if(fls[i].length<tsize) {  ti=i;  tsize=fls[i].length;  }
    return fls[ti];
function _filterLine(data, img, y, bpl, bpp, type)
    var i = y*bpl, di = i+y;
    data[di]=type;  di++;

    if(type==0) {
        if(bpl<500) for(var x=0; x<bpl; x++) data[di+x] = img[i+x];
        else data.set(new Uint8Array(img.buffer,i,bpl),di);
    else if(type==1) {
        for(var x=  0; x<bpp; x++) data[di+x] =  img[i+x];
        for(var x=bpp; x<bpl; x++) data[di+x] = (img[i+x]-img[i+x-bpp]+256)&255;
    else if(y==0) {
        for(var x=  0; x<bpp; x++) data[di+x] = img[i+x];

        if(type==2) for(var x=bpp; x<bpl; x++) data[di+x] = img[i+x];
        if(type==3) for(var x=bpp; x<bpl; x++) data[di+x] = (img[i+x] - (img[i+x-bpp]>>1) +256)&255;
        if(type==4) for(var x=bpp; x<bpl; x++) data[di+x] = (img[i+x] - paeth(img[i+x-bpp], 0, 0) +256)&255;
    else {
        if(type==2) { for(var x=  0; x<bpl; x++) data[di+x] = (img[i+x]+256 - img[i+x-bpl])&255;  }
        if(type==3) { for(var x=  0; x<bpp; x++) data[di+x] = (img[i+x]+256 - (img[i+x-bpl]>>1))&255;
                      for(var x=bpp; x<bpl; x++) data[di+x] = (img[i+x]+256 - ((img[i+x-bpl]+img[i+x-bpp])>>1))&255;  }
        if(type==4) { for(var x=  0; x<bpp; x++) data[di+x] = (img[i+x]+256 - paeth(0, img[i+x-bpl], 0))&255;
                      for(var x=bpp; x<bpl; x++) data[di+x] = (img[i+x]+256 - paeth(img[i+x-bpp], img[i+x-bpl], img[i+x-bpp-bpl]))&255;  }

function quantize(abuf, ps, doKmeans)
    var time = Date.now();
    var sb = new Uint8Array(abuf), tb = sb.slice(0), tb32 = new Uint32Array(tb.buffer);

    var KD = getKDtree(tb, ps);
    var root = KD[0], leafs = KD[1], K=leafs.length;

    //console.log(Date.now()-time, "tree made");  time = Date.now();

    var cl32 = new Uint32Array(K), clr8=new Uint8Array(cl32.buffer);
    for(var i=0; i<K; i++) cl32[i]=leafs[i].est.rgba;

    var len=sb.length;

    var inds = new Uint8Array(len>>2), nd;
    if(K<=60) {  findNearest(sb,inds,clr8);  remap(inds,tb32,cl32);  }
    else if(sb.length<32e6)  // precise, but slow :(
        //for(var j=0; j<4; j++) 
        for(var i=0; i<len; i+=4) {
            var r=sb[i]*(1/255), g=sb[i+1]*(1/255), b=sb[i+2]*(1/255), a=sb[i+3]*(1/255);

            nd = getNearest(root, r, g, b, a);
            inds[i>>2] = nd.ind;  tb32[i>>2] = nd.est.rgba;
        for(var i=0; i<len; i+=4) {
            var r=sb[i]*(1/255), g=sb[i+1]*(1/255), b=sb[i+2]*(1/255), a=sb[i+3]*(1/255);

            nd = root;  while(nd.left) nd = (planeDst(nd.est,r,g,b,a)<=0) ? nd.left : nd.right;
            inds[i>>2] = nd.ind;  tb32[i>>2] = nd.est.rgba;

    //console.log(Date.now()-time, "nearest found");  time = Date.now();

    if(doKmeans || sb.length*K<10*4e6) {
        var le = 1e9;
        for(var i=0; i<10; i++) {
            var ce = kmeans(sb, inds, clr8);  //console.log(i,ce);
            if(ce/le>0.997) break;  le=ce;
        for(var i=0; i<K; i++) leafs[i].est.rgba = cl32[i];
        //console.log(Date.now()-time, "k-means");

    return {  abuf:tb.buffer, inds:inds, plte:leafs  };

function remap(inds,tb32,pl32) {  for(var i=0; i<inds.length; i++) tb32[i]=pl32[inds[i]];  }
function kmeans(sb,inds,plte) {
    var err = findNearest(sb,inds,plte);
    return err;

function updatePalette(sb,inds,plte) {
    var K = plte.length>>>2;
    var sums = new Uint32Array(K*4), cnts = new Uint32Array(K);

    for(var i=0; i<sb.length; i+=4) {
        var ind = inds[i>>>2], qi=ind*4;
        sums[qi  ]+=sb[i  ];  sums[qi+1]+=sb[i+1];
        sums[qi+2]+=sb[i+2];  sums[qi+3]+=sb[i+3];
    for(var i=0; i<plte.length; i++) plte[i]=Math.round(sums[i]/cnts[i>>>2]);

function findNearest(sb,inds,plte) {
    var terr = 0, K=plte.length>>>2;

    var nd = [];  // squared half-distance to the nearest color
    for(var i=0; i<K; i++) {
        var qi=i*4;
        var r=plte[qi], g=plte[qi+1], b=plte[qi+2], a=plte[qi+3], ti=0, te=1e9;
        for(var j=0; j<K; j++) {
            if(i==j) continue;
            var qj=j*4, dr=r-plte[qj], dg=g-plte[qj+1], db=b-plte[qj+2], da=a-plte[qj+3];
            var err = dr*dr+dg*dg+db*db+da*da;
            if(err<te) {te=err;  ti=j;}
        nd[i] = Math.sqrt(te)*0.5;  nd[i]=nd[i]*nd[i];

    for(var i=0; i<sb.length; i+=4) {
        var r=sb[i  ], g=sb[i+1], b=sb[i+2], a=sb[i+3];
        var ti=inds[i>>>2], qi=ti*4, dr=r-plte[qi], dg=g-plte[qi+1], db=b-plte[qi+2], da=a-plte[qi+3], te = dr*dr+dg*dg+db*db+da*da;
        if(te>nd[ti]) for(var j=0; j<K; j++) {
            qi=j*4; dr=r-plte[qi]; dg=g-plte[qi+1]; db=b-plte[qi+2]; da=a-plte[qi+3];
            var err = dr*dr+dg*dg+db*db+da*da;
            if(err<te) {te=err;  ti=j;  if(te<nd[j]) break; }
    return terr/(sb.length>>>2);

function getKDtree(nimg, ps, err) {
    if(err==null) err = 0.0001;
    var nimg32 = new Uint32Array(nimg.buffer);

    var root = {i0:0, i1:nimg.length, bst:null, est:null, tdst:0, left:null, right:null };  // basic statistic, extra statistic
    root.bst = stats(  nimg,root.i0, root.i1  );  root.est = estats( root.bst );
    var leafs = [root];

        var maxL = 0, mi=0;
        for(var i=0; i<leafs.length; i++) if(leafs[i].est.L > maxL) {  maxL=leafs[i].est.L;  mi=i;  }
        if(maxL<err) break;
        var node = leafs[mi];

        var s0 = splitPixels(nimg,nimg32, node.i0, node.i1, node.est.e, node.est.eMq255);
        var s0wrong = (node.i0>=s0 || node.i1<=s0);
        //console.log(maxL, leafs.length, mi);
        if(s0wrong) {  node.est.L=0;  continue;  }

        var ln = {i0:node.i0, i1:s0, bst:null, est:null, tdst:0, left:null, right:null };  ln.bst = stats( nimg, ln.i0, ln.i1 );  
        ln.est = estats( ln.bst );
        var rn = {i0:s0, i1:node.i1, bst:null, est:null, tdst:0, left:null, right:null };  rn.bst = {R:[], m:[], N:node.bst.N-ln.bst.N};
        for(var i=0; i<16; i++) rn.bst.R[i] = node.bst.R[i]-ln.bst.R[i];
        for(var i=0; i< 4; i++) rn.bst.m[i] = node.bst.m[i]-ln.bst.m[i];
        rn.est = estats( rn.bst );

        node.left = ln;  node.right = rn;
        leafs[mi]=ln;  leafs.push(rn);
    leafs.sort(function(a,b) {  return b.bst.N-a.bst.N;  });
    for(var i=0; i<leafs.length; i++) leafs[i].ind=i;
    return [root, leafs];

function getNearest(nd, r,g,b,a)
    if(nd.left==null) {  nd.tdst = dist(nd.est.q,r,g,b,a);  return nd;  }
    var pd = planeDst(nd.est,r,g,b,a);

    var node0 = nd.left, node1 = nd.right;
    if(pd>0) {  node0=nd.right;  node1=nd.left;  }

    var ln = getNearest(node0, r,g,b,a);
    if(ln.tdst<=pd*pd) return ln;
    var rn = getNearest(node1, r,g,b,a);
    return rn.tdst<ln.tdst ? rn : ln;
function planeDst(est, r,g,b,a) {  var e = est.e;  return e[0]*r + e[1]*g + e[2]*b + e[3]*a - est.eMq;  }
function dist    (q,   r,g,b,a) {  var d0=r-q[0], d1=g-q[1], d2=b-q[2], d3=a-q[3];  return d0*d0+d1*d1+d2*d2+d3*d3;  }

function splitPixels(nimg, nimg32, i0, i1, e, eMq)
    var shfs = 0;
        while(vecDot(nimg, i0, e)<=eMq) i0+=4;
        while(vecDot(nimg, i1, e)> eMq) i1-=4;
        if(i0>=i1) break;

        var t = nimg32[i0>>2];  nimg32[i0>>2] = nimg32[i1>>2];  nimg32[i1>>2]=t;

        i0+=4;  i1-=4;
    while(vecDot(nimg, i0, e)>eMq) i0-=4;
    return i0+4;
function vecDot(nimg, i, e)
    return nimg[i]*e[0] + nimg[i+1]*e[1] + nimg[i+2]*e[2] + nimg[i+3]*e[3];
function stats(nimg, i0, i1){
    var R = [0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0,  0,0,0,0];
    var m = [0,0,0,0];
    var N = (i1-i0)>>2;
    for(var i=i0; i<i1; i+=4)
        var r = nimg[i]*(1/255), g = nimg[i+1]*(1/255), b = nimg[i+2]*(1/255), a = nimg[i+3]*(1/255);
        //var r = nimg[i], g = nimg[i+1], b = nimg[i+2], a = nimg[i+3];
        m[0]+=r;  m[1]+=g;  m[2]+=b;  m[3]+=a;

        R[ 0] += r*r;  R[ 1] += r*g;  R[ 2] += r*b;  R[ 3] += r*a;  
                       R[ 5] += g*g;  R[ 6] += g*b;  R[ 7] += g*a; 
                                      R[10] += b*b;  R[11] += b*a;  
                                                     R[15] += a*a;  
    R[4]=R[1];  R[8]=R[2];  R[9]=R[6];  R[12]=R[3];  R[13]=R[7];  R[14]=R[11];

    return {R:R, m:m, N:N};
function estats(stats){
    var R = stats.R, m = stats.m, N = stats.N;

    // when all samples are equal, but N is large (millions), the Rj can be non-zero ( 0.0003.... - precission error)
    var m0 = m[0], m1 = m[1], m2 = m[2], m3 = m[3], iN = (N==0 ? 0 : 1/N);
    var Rj = [
        R[ 0] - m0*m0*iN,  R[ 1] - m0*m1*iN,  R[ 2] - m0*m2*iN,  R[ 3] - m0*m3*iN,  
        R[ 4] - m1*m0*iN,  R[ 5] - m1*m1*iN,  R[ 6] - m1*m2*iN,  R[ 7] - m1*m3*iN,
        R[ 8] - m2*m0*iN,  R[ 9] - m2*m1*iN,  R[10] - m2*m2*iN,  R[11] - m2*m3*iN,  
        R[12] - m3*m0*iN,  R[13] - m3*m1*iN,  R[14] - m3*m2*iN,  R[15] - m3*m3*iN 

    var A = Rj, M = M4;
    var b = [Math.random(),Math.random(),Math.random(),Math.random()], mi = 0, tmi = 0;

    for(var i=0; i<16; i++) {
        b = M.multVec(A, b);  tmi = Math.sqrt(M.dot(b,b));  b = M.sml(1/tmi,  b);
        if(i!=0 && Math.abs(tmi-mi)<1e-9) break;  mi = tmi;
    //b = [0,0,1,0];  mi=N;
    var q = [m0*iN, m1*iN, m2*iN, m3*iN];
    var eMq255 = M.dot(M.sml(255,q),b);

    return {  Cov:Rj, q:q, e:b, L:mi,  eMq255:eMq255, eMq : M.dot(b,q),
                rgba: (((Math.round(255*q[3])<<24) | (Math.round(255*q[2])<<16) |  (Math.round(255*q[1])<<8) | (Math.round(255*q[0])<<0))>>>0)  };
var M4 = {
    multVec : function(m,v) {
            return [
                m[ 0]*v[0] + m[ 1]*v[1] + m[ 2]*v[2] + m[ 3]*v[3],
                m[ 4]*v[0] + m[ 5]*v[1] + m[ 6]*v[2] + m[ 7]*v[3],
                m[ 8]*v[0] + m[ 9]*v[1] + m[10]*v[2] + m[11]*v[3],
                m[12]*v[0] + m[13]*v[1] + m[14]*v[2] + m[15]*v[3]
    dot : function(x,y) {  return  x[0]*y[0]+x[1]*y[1]+x[2]*y[2]+x[3]*y[3];  },
    sml : function(a,y) {  return [a*y[0],a*y[1],a*y[2],a*y[3]];  }

function concatRGBA(bufs) {
    var tlen = 0;
    for(var i=0; i<bufs.length; i++) tlen += bufs[i].byteLength;
    var nimg = new Uint8Array(tlen), noff=0;
    for(var i=0; i<bufs.length; i++) {
        var img = new Uint8Array(bufs[i]), il = img.length;
        for(var j=0; j<il; j+=4) {  
            var r=img[j], g=img[j+1], b=img[j+2], a = img[j+3];
            if(a==0) r=g=b=0;
            nimg[noff+j]=r;  nimg[noff+j+1]=g;  nimg[noff+j+2]=b;  nimg[noff+j+3]=a;  }
        noff += il;
    return nimg.buffer;

UPNG.encode = encode;
UPNG.encodeLL = encodeLL;
UPNG.encode.compress = compress;
UPNG.encode.dither = dither;

UPNG.quantize = quantize;
