Exafunction / codeium

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Codeium error - [aborted] socket hang up #28

Open CML-Max opened 6 months ago

CML-Max commented 6 months ago

Chat can be used normally in vscode, but this error occurs when making up OurHours for the code.

DJTOMATO commented 6 months ago

+1 with "Codeium Command"

Noctumsempra commented 5 months ago

I press Ctrl+I (and Codeium chat input window appears) but gives "Codeium error - [aborted] socket hang up" on any prompt. I don't know what it's happening. Tried restarting vscode :/

It used to work until hours ago (I installed Codeium yesterday but barely used it yet... I was in the process of knowing this plugin but I guess I will have to disable it temporarily and go back to copilot :( )

I hope I can find a solution soon, I wanna keep exploring it, but this context-lacking error turns me so off.

Noctumsempra commented 5 months ago

I reloaded vscode window again. Now Codeium works again... I don't know what to think. But have a CLOSE LOOK to this error please. Thanks. Will continue using.

pqn commented 5 months ago

Can those of you who are encountering this past the output of both the Codeium and codeium tabs if present when this happens? This will gives us logs to look at more closely.

leventesen commented 1 month ago

@pqn I wish this log helps you


njiang747 commented 1 month ago

@pqn I wish this log helps you


@leventesen Are you able to reproduce this? If so, is it possible to send the file and cursor position at which this occurs? Also what OS, IDE version, and extension version are you using?

leventesen commented 1 month ago

@njiang747 I can't reproduce that but I will catch another one then send the neccessary info after reproducing it.

leventesen commented 1 month ago


Test.zip file contains Test.ipynb (Jupyter Notebook) file In this notebook file there is one cell and in that cell error occurs when I hit the enter key When I remove the newline with backspace key error reverts to safe state After hitting the enter key error occurs again..

Operation System

Windows 11 23H2

Visual Studio Code

Version: 1.89.0 (user setup) Commit: b58957e67ee1e712cebf466b995adf4c5307b2bd Date: 2024-05-01T02:09:22.859Z Electron: 28.2.8 ElectronBuildId: 27744544 Chromium: 120.0.6099.291 Node.js: 18.18.2 V8: OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631


Codeium Extension Version: 1.8.36


CodeiumLog.txt Test.zip

njiang747 commented 1 month ago

@leventesen Sorry I completely missed your reply. I tried downloading your zip and testing with the notebook but I was unable to reproduce the issue. Can you confirm that I'm doing the same thing you were to produce the issue?


Also does this error still occur on the latest version (1.8.50)? Note that I'm not testing on a Windows machine which is likely related to the issue so I will try that if you're able to confirm that the testing above is what you expect to produce the issue.

leventesen commented 3 weeks ago

@njiang747 You are doing right. Version 1.8.50 gave same error. Will you test it on Windows OS? I suspect EOF char compability but this is only my idea, I don't want to confuse you.

leventesen commented 3 weeks ago

@njiang747 I think I found the cause of the error. Although the cell in file is a code cell, VS Code had set the language to 'Plain Text'. When I selected Python as the language, the error was resolved. It also doesn't give an error if I select Markdown. For now, I've solved my problem, but I can help you with the related error if needed.

njiang747 commented 3 weeks ago

@leventesen That is very helpful, we'll look into this further

fortenforge commented 3 weeks ago

@kevinzlu could you take a look when you get a chance?

kevinzlu commented 3 weeks ago

I've created this new issue to track https://github.com/Exafunction/codeium/issues/65, since I believe this may be a notebook specific issue that may be out of scope of the original question.