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Language server binary not found: undefined #36

Open aringot opened 5 months ago

aringot commented 5 months ago

Hi, I use VS Code on MacOS and it looks like every time codeium gets an update it downloads the new language server, says it did not find it, and stops working, even though the files are here and everything works after one (sometimes several) restart of VS Code...

Here is an example after restarting VS Code a first time (it was first failing for Codeium 1.6.26, here for 1.6.27):

2024-01-29 17:54:18.110 [INFO]: mac-ca initialized
2024-01-29 17:54:19.526 [INFO]: No proxy settings found
2024-01-29 17:54:25.961 [INFO]: Creating manager directory: /var/folders/w2/5hzs1fm560dc7wlhs625z1nm0000gn/T/df017ddf-baba-4eb8-92d0-940f20d49ca4/codeium/manager
2024-01-29 17:54:25.973 [INFO]: 2e835f65b3441bf3f8f401a88a45920578df95d6 not found, downloading language server
2024-01-29 17:54:27.043 [INFO]: No proxy settings found
2024-01-29 17:54:46.229 [ERROR]: Failed to download from https://github.com/Exafunction/codeium/releases/download/language-server-v1.6.27/language_server_macos_x64.gz
2024-01-29 17:54:46.236 [ERROR]: Language server binary not found: undefined

When I hover over the (red) Codeium part of the bottom bar it shows an error message saying it could not rename/move the language_server_macos_x64.download file to language_server_macos_x64 but the file is here, in 2e835f65b3441bf3f8f401a88a45920578df95d6/language_server_macos_x64.

Again, it finally works if I restart again... But that is obviously a bug.

vreoo commented 1 month ago

I have Disabled/Enabled the Extension multiple times and Uninstalled/Installed the extension various times too, It downloads to a certain point then it stops and throws the same error in the Logs output:

2024-05-26 10:16:30.857 [INFO]: mac-ca initialized
2024-05-26 10:16:31.290 [INFO]: No proxy settings found
2024-05-26 10:16:35.142 [INFO]: Creating manager directory: /var/folders/h3/k4byl0m94lg2lf6qm2smbxfh0000gp/T/67723bc7-6ebe-485a-8888-782bafba78c7/codeium/manager
2024-05-26 10:16:35.142 [INFO]: 83dadda2bd1a9946542096cce0cfd2bb4d2a9074 not found, downloading language server
2024-05-26 10:16:35.157 [INFO]: No proxy settings found
2024-05-26 10:17:04.013 [ERROR]: Failed to download from https://github.com/Exafunction/codeium/releases/download/language-server-v1.8.45/language_server_macos_arm.gz
2024-05-26 10:17:04.024 [ERROR]: Language server binary not found: undefined

I am not able to use Codium for now because of this issue. Is there any way I can download the language server manually at least?

UPDATE: Finally it downloaded the language server after I disabled autocomplete, then disabled the extension and re-enabled it again so it worked

I hope this helps