Exarkuniv / RetroPie-Extra

A collection of unofficial scripts for adding more emulators/ports/games to RetroPie.
MIT License
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AetherSX2 in Pi 5 #184

Closed Dastronik closed 5 months ago

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

I have tested it and i got a Blackscreen and the Game won´t start . I switched to the kernel8.img , i have the right BIOS , i tested it with multiple Games ( GTA 3 included ) and i used the latest script . I´m on Raspberry Pi 5 . When you can tell me how i open the Runcommand window in Retropie to see what´s going on , then i can provide further Information .

darksaviorx commented 5 months ago

I can't get it to load any games. Pi5 as well. I'm using the kernel8.img. I believe I have the right bios.. https://pastebin.com/X3fx43N6

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

I just installed Raspberry Pi OS 64 Bit and Retropie again . The only thing that i put on my SSD was the Emulator ( AetherSX2 ) , the BIOS and 2 Games . And Nothing has changed . Just to clarify my BIOS File is ps2-0230e-20080220.bin

Exarkuniv commented 5 months ago

not sure whats going on with your builds. i have to redo my system 5 time while testing to find the missing files for sound to work and it has always started for me. the only time it doesn't is when i forgot to add the kernel8.img to the boot/firmware/config.txt file

are you using the Pi OS 64bit lite? im using the March 15th 2024 build and the sets to build RetroPie follow this https://github.com/danielfreer/raspberrypi5-retropie-setup

exit emulation station

 cd /opt/retropie/emulators/aethersx2/AetherSX2-v1.5-3606/usr/bin 

sudo xinit ./aethersx2

this will bring up the GUI from there you can move around the menu doing it this way does not load the .ini file so it will not have the link to the bios files FYI

my bios are ps2-0220a-20060905.bin and scph39001.bin

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

Are you mean , by add the kernel8.img to the config.txt this

Run in 64-bit mode arm_64bit=1

when not , i have not done that . What else i have to do with it open the kernel8.img with the texteditor and copy that ? And then paste it into the config.txt . And where do i have to put it in ? Sorry i´m a Noob

Exarkuniv commented 5 months ago

in the command line run this sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt then at the end of everything add this kernel=kernel8.img

then press ctrl+O AND ctrl+X to exit from terminal window this will save it

if you are running the PiOS lite or the one with a desktop

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

Thank you , I understand . I´m currently on the one with the desktop .

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

Do i break something if i try if it works ?

Exarkuniv commented 5 months ago

no you are not going to break anything, but it might not work 100%, but it might. i dont know

i make all the scripts to be ran on a OS without desktop as that is how retropie runs their images and i will not be able to help as much since my OS does not have a desktop either

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

When this is not working , i´m switching to the lite OS . But today i´m not willing to sit another 4 hours behind the screen and wait for Retropie to finish .

Exarkuniv commented 5 months ago

trust me, know how you feel. i has to make my own image on a 8gig card so i didn't have to keep rebuilding retropie each time i broke it from my testing and building

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

When you mean behind everything , did you really mean behind every line of text or just the ones in white ? Because i put it behind every line of text and now the Raspi 5 won´t even boot . Nice

Exarkuniv commented 5 months ago

no, sorry it would be the very last line in that file.


you might be able to pull the sd card out of the pi, put it in a computer and in the bootfs drive that you can open. there is a config.txt

you might be able to then remove all the lines you did and then add the above line to the end of the text put it in your pi and hopefully it will work again

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

It´s not a big of a deal . I will try it , if that is not working then i wait until tommorow and install the lite OS .

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

It worked , it booted up again plus the Emu starts now . Now i´m going to try diffrent BIOS because the one i used is not working . Thank you for your help and your patience . I will try the ones you use next and then we will see .

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

I installed the Lite OS . Retropie is also Set up . How i´m gonna put the aethersx2 script in the Folder it Belongs ? With the File Manager in Retropie ?

Exarkuniv commented 5 months ago

it will be easyer just to use the RetroPie-extras install way to do it. that way it is put in the correct place and you dont have any error from moving it from a PC to the Pi

its in the readme. on how to do it aethersx2 is in the emulators section

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

Thank you

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

You are using just these 2 BIOS Files right ? No other files like the EROM or others .

Exarkuniv commented 5 months ago

i do have a few others in there. the system has AUTO on by default. so it will use what is best for the game. (or thats what i think it will do)

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

Can you tell what others ? Just in case

Exarkuniv commented 5 months ago

ps2-0220a-20060905.bin ps2-0220e-20050620.bin rom1.bin scph10000.bin SCPH-10000_BIOS_V1_JAP_100.BIN scph39001.bin SCPH-70004_BIOS_V12_PAL_200.BIN SCPH-70004_BIOS_V12_PAL_200.EROM

Dastronik commented 5 months ago

Now it works . Thank you

Exarkuniv commented 5 months ago

glad to hear