Exawind / amr-wind

AMReX-based structured wind solver
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I encountered the following problems in the process of learning to use TurbineFASTLine. Is this due to the version of TurbineFastline #1088

Open Chengyue810 opened 4 weeks ago

Chengyue810 commented 4 weeks ago

I encountered the following problems in the process of learning to use TurbineFASTLine. Is this due to the version of TurbineFastline

          AMR-Wind (https://github.com/exawind/amr-wind)

AMR-Wind version :: v2.1.0-18-gf43b0713 AMR-Wind Git SHA :: f43b071303b755ff994e8346e028a27f326723de AMReX version :: 24.05-20-g5d02c6480a0d

Exec. time :: Mon Jun 3 20:06:01 2024 Build time :: Jun 3 2024 01:13:25 C++ compiler :: GNU 11.4.0


No additional third-party libraries enabled

       This software is released under the BSD 3-clause license.

See https://github.com/Exawind/amr-wind/blob/development/LICENSE for details.

Initializing AMReX (24.05-20-g5d02c6480a0d)... AMReX (24.05-20-g5d02c6480a0d) initialized Initializing AMR-Wind ... Initializing boundary conditions for velocity_mueff Initializing boundary conditions for velocity Initializing boundary conditions for density Initializing boundary conditions for p Initializing boundary conditions for velocity_src_term Initializing boundary conditions for gp Creating PDESystem instance: ICNS-Godunov Creating Physics instance: FreeStream Creating Physics instance: Actuator Creating TurbulenceModel instance: Laminar-ConstTransport Creating RefinementCriteria instance: GeometryRefinement (-200 -200 -200) (200 -200 -200) (200 200 -200) (-200 200 -200) (-200 -200 200) (200 -200 200) (200 200 200) (-200 200 200) Creating GeometryType instance: box Creating PostProcessBase instance: Sampling Initializing I/O manager Creating UDF instance: ConstValue Creating UDF instance: ConstValue ActuatorModel 4

justhawk98 commented 4 weeks ago

In order to use TurbineFastLine, you need to compile with the OpenFAST flag on. If you're compiling from source, this can be done with the following commands:

cd path/to/amr-wind/source/code

mkdir build

cd build



make install

You can turn the MPI flag off if you want. But as I recently learned, you need it on if you'll be running more than one turbine.

Chengyue810 commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you very much for your reply, I have solved the above problem, but it still ends abnormally. Is it due to NetCDF not compiling correctly, although I thought I took this part into account during the compilation process

OpenFAST input file heading: FAST Certification Test #01: NREL 5.0 MW Baseline Wind Turbine (Onshore)

Running ElastoDyn. Nodal outputs section of ElastoDyn input file not found or improperly formatted. Running AeroDyn. Using uniform blade force node clustering. OpenFAST model does not include tower for turbine: WTG01 Turning off tower actuator points WARNING: FastIface: NetCDF support was not enabled during compile time. FastIface cannot support restart. T0 Time: 0 of 500 seconds. Creating MomentumSource instance: ActuatorForcing Creating SamplerBase instance: PlaneSampler Creating SamplerBase instance: LineSampler Creating SamplerBase instance: LineSampler Creating SamplerBase instance: LineSampler Creating SamplerBase instance: LineSampler Creating SamplerBase instance: LineSampler Creating SamplerBase instance: LineSampler Creating SamplerBase instance: LineSampler Begin initial projection [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] Process received signal [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] Signal: Segmentation fault (11) [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] Signal code: Invalid permissions (2) [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] Failing at address: 0x7fd0470d0008 [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x42520)[0x7fdfa8b62520] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0xa33f3)[0x7fdfa8bc33f3] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0xa48dd)[0x7fdfa8bc48dd] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [ 3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(malloc+0x99)[0x7fdfa8bc5139] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [ 4] /home/chy/amr-wind/build/amr_wind(+0x80c596)[0x7fdfa9e0d596] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [ 5] /home/chy/amr-wind/build/amr_wind(+0x149b7b)[0x7fdfa974ab7b] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [ 6] /home/chy/amr-wind/build/amr_wind(+0x8190e7)[0x7fdfa9e1a0e7] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [ 7] /home/chy/amr-wind/build/amr_wind(+0x910e80)[0x7fdfa9f11e80] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [ 8] /home/chy/amr-wind/build/amr_wind(+0x935e7b)[0x7fdfa9f36e7b] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [ 9] /home/chy/amr-wind/build/amr_wind(+0x36cbd4)[0x7fdfa996dbd4] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [10] /home/chy/amr-wind/build/amr_wind(+0x73eb96)[0x7fdfa9d3fb96] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [11] /home/chy/amr-wind/build/amr_wind(+0x1424b8)[0x7fdfa97434b8] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [12] /home/chy/amr-wind/build/amr_wind(+0x14d117)[0x7fdfa974e117] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [13] /home/chy/amr-wind/build/amr_wind(+0x7655d)[0x7fdfa967755d] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [14] /home/chy/amr-wind/build/amr_wind(+0x61465)[0x7fdfa9662465] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [15] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x29d90)[0x7fdfa8b49d90] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [16] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0x80)[0x7fdfa8b49e40] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] [17] /home/chy/amr-wind/build/amr_wind(+0x6da25)[0x7fdfa966ea25] [DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K:12669] End of error message

Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.

mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 0 on node DESKTOP-KJ7DS8K exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).

justhawk98 commented 3 weeks ago

NetCDF might be the problem. I think the sampling feature might choose the netcdf format by default. . What if you comment out all your sampling lines from the input files? Does it work then?

marchdf commented 6 days ago

Have you been able to follow the above suggestion and are you still facing this problem?