Exawind / hfm-fsi

Input files and data for HFM FSI Work
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Finish meshes #13

Closed psakievich closed 9 months ago

psakievich commented 9 months ago


pscrozi commented 9 months ago

NM80 mesh is done. Ganesh is trying it with FSI turned on.

NREL 5 MW is in process of uploading on Eagle.

IEA 15 MW hit a snag. Still needs more work. Issue with the tip of the blade: needs to be a little fatter and rounder. Ganesh can talk through it with people who want to. Shreyas Bidadi is off for 3 weeks. Nate can help with this, and can meet with Ganesh at 11 on 9/27.

pscrozi commented 9 months ago

Ganesh met with Nate yesterday. Nate pointed out some flaws in the mesh. Ganesh figured out a work-around. Now the mesh is easier to wrap up. Expected completion by noon today.

pscrozi commented 9 months ago

IAE 15 MW meshing will be resolved soon. NM80 mesh is working with FSI and controller on. Ganesh to launch the cases with input files from Ashesh. Mike: NM80 is highest priority. Completion of associated milestone is highest priority.

pscrozi commented 9 months ago

IEA 15 MW done and being ported on 10/2. Should extrude easily. Area ratio down from 400 to 4. Eagle went down on Friday. Will have to get it from his docker. Ganesh will work with Nate on this at 11 a.m. today (10/2).

pscrozi commented 9 months ago

Met with Nate with 10/2. IEA 15 MW has been moved over to Nate.