Exawind / hfm-fsi

Input files and data for HFM FSI Work
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Write FY23Q3 Report #14

Open psakievich opened 9 months ago

michaelasprague commented 9 months ago

Milestone Language: Create a repository with input files (OpenFAST, ExaWind-driver, Nalu-Wind, AMR-Wind) for blade-resolved Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) simulations in uniform inflow for three turbines that are important to the WETO portfolio: the NREL 5-MW turbine, the NM80 turbine, and the IEA 15-MW turbine. This will include details on performing FSI simulations with the tower on the NREL 5-MW turbine. Perform simulations of the IEA 15-MW turbine over the full power curve in uniform inflow and demonstrate expected behavior. The goal of this milestone is to harden the FSI code by exposing it to more scenarios and addressing any bugs that are detected in the process. The results from this milestone will be documented in the technical slides as part of the milestone completion along with a partially complete paper on FSI capabilities in ExaWind to be submitted to an appropriate journal at a later date.

pscrozi commented 9 months ago

(Lowest priority of the 3 overdue FSI milestones.)

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Depends on if the FSI capability works with the new mesh that Nate created. Nate will let us know in the next few days if this works.

Could do a new build and then resubmit everything if needed. Or could move to Eagle now. HFM allocation is back on Eagle. So whichever is the faster option. We already have high priority on Eagle.

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Kevin and Neil will take a look and see if we can update it and improve it.

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Kevin went through and made minor updates. We're waiting for simulation results to drop in.

Report does need to have discussion and be updated. Phil will take a look at it today.

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Phil started working on it, and there's more for Phil to write than he realized. Probably needs more time.

psakievich commented 8 months ago

Phil updated the slides so we just need to drop in results.

kevmoor commented 8 months ago


pscrozi commented 4 months ago

Kevin may update plots and bring in results from Ganesh and 15 MW so that we can put the content together in the narrative like we agreed upon.

Ganesh: could you please provide access to Kevin to the results and plots? (Ganesh will work on this right away.)

pscrozi commented 4 months ago

Still waiting on access from Ganesh. Finished plots would be great, or even just access to the data would be great.

pscrozi commented 4 months ago

Needs to be reviewed by Mike. Especially risks and next steps need to be reviewed.

Mike says a few things are still needed and should be clarified.

Refer to other reporting that has already been done to knock out parts of this deliverable (tower, NM80, etc.)

pscrozi commented 4 months ago

May need fancy color graphics, but that's about it. Ganesh plans on finishing this today (2/27) and then send to Mike.

pscrozi commented 4 months ago

Ganesh generated one fancy graphic, but still wants to automate the procedure and generate more fancy graphics. Maybe another day or two should do it. Revisit on 2/29.

kevmoor commented 4 months ago

On merging the scripts into the final repo, get the sense that there are two or three versions. May need to discuss with Ganesh. Would like to double check. Kevin redo pull request with clean history.

pscrozi commented 4 months ago

Pull request in review for IEA-15MW that Phil put in. Kevin has reviewed.

The ball is in Ganesh's court. The stiff 5 MW runs need to be completed and put into the report.

pscrozi commented 4 months ago

Ganesh submitted the stiff 5 MW runs, and they are still running currently as of 3/6. Completed 32,000 timesteps in almost 2 days. Sufficient to plot forces, so Ganesh will plot them.

Ganesh will push input files to the Github repo.

Kevin needs push access to the branch. Phil will make the change.

Phil leaving on vacation and back on Monday 3/11.

pscrozi commented 3 months ago

Ganesh got the stiff 5 MW plots into the report.

Do we still need the 5 MW FSI example cases repo? Ganesh still needs to do this.

Ganesh has added all of the plots, the one rigid wind speed evaluation. Is this adequate to call the report complete?

pscrozi commented 3 months ago

Ganesh pushed all NREL 5 MW input files to the repository. Will take a few minutes to update.

Might be good to add a README to these files per Phil's suggestion. Also, good to remove Ganesh-specific paths and make them generic.

pscrozi commented 3 months ago

Mike is going through the milestone slide deck, and have the following questions/comments:

Slide 2: What is the status of the “details on performing FSI with the tower on the NREL 5-MW turbine”?

Everything is done without towers for now. We do have cases with the tower, like the ECP Challenge Problem. We should put this in the slides somewhere. Could add a slide recapping the with-tower simulations and provide a link.

Phil is planning on adding links to input files for all of the cases we've run for this milestone, plus additional.

We might want to come to a conclusion regarding whether or not to include towers. What is the cost/benefit? Mike feels we should have it there by default, but there is some debate about whether or not it is worth the cost.

Slide 3: Why is the NM80 bullet highlighted? Isn’t that complete and shown in the slide deck?

It is included in the slides, so we can unhighlight.

Slide 4: When will the scripts be merged to the repository?

Needs to go to repository cited on report. Phil is going to move those over. Under review currently.

Slides 5-7 (15-MW): It seems that the region 3 data should show the unstable results and those with double damping, no?

Kevin did double damping in region 3 and 1 point in region 2.

Slide 5: Can we change the legend to have Design, OpenFAST, ExaWind, ExaWind (double damping), assuming the latter is added?

Kevin can change this legend to include it.

Slide 8: Similar to above, please change legend to Design, OpenFAST, ExaWind

Kevin will do this.

Slide 8: Relevant to comment on Slide 2 above, this is without Tower, right? We should be clear about that.

No tower. Need to be clear about this.

Slide 9: Can the velocity legends text size be increased? Very hard to read.

Kevin can fix this.

Slide 10: Are the polars labeled “NREL 5MW” taken from the Jonkman 5-MW document?

Yes. Mike will add that reference.

Slide 11: Legend should be changed (they’re all FSI simulations, no?). I suggest ExaWind, OpenFAST, OpenFAST (Nalu-Wind Polars)

Yes. Ganesh will change that legend.

pscrozi commented 3 months ago

Ganesh is still working on the legend and other comments from Mike.

Phil is going to go through Ganesh's files and add links.

Kevin completed all of the tasks above regarding Mike's comments on the slides.

Mike is planning on changing the report to read less like a diary and more like a factual report.