Exawind / hfm-fsi

Input files and data for HFM FSI Work
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(FY21 Q4) - Run the NM80 simulations, and figuring out how to daisy chain the jobs. #22

Open psakievich opened 9 months ago

psakievich commented 9 months ago

Could also add more AMR-Wind resolution.

Run on Eagle over the weekend before it goes down, or run on Summit.

Eagle down. Might run on Summit.

pscrozi commented 9 months ago

Ganesh to provide NM80 mesh.

pscrozi commented 9 months ago

Eagle filesystem is back, so we have access and can set up jobs. Not formally back until Monday. Ganesh will have runs all ready to go for if Eagle comes back sooner than planned.

Phil: found some type-Os in input deck for IEA 15 MW that he had to update. Ganesh should use this updated version. There weren't true restarts set for OpenFast. Some other minor changes. All on github and shared.

pscrozi commented 9 months ago

Have to do some remeshing for this as of 10/9. Ganesh is currently in the process of figuring that out.

pscrozi commented 9 months ago

Even the rigid one is crashing after a while, so Ganesh is debugging (10/10).

Set up and running on Eagle.

Nate will help with this. Ganesh will make mesh available to Nate to help with this. Ganesh will share a few more issues with Nate.

gantech commented 9 months ago

The blades were too close to each other near the root. Previously, they came down to 10% of blade root/hub radius. Moved to 20%. This seems to be running fine. Rigid case launched. FSI case being launched today.

pscrozi commented 9 months ago

Ganesh's run is sitting in the queue now (10/11). On Eagle, but not in high priority queue. Resubmitting to the high priority queue.

michaelasprague commented 8 months ago

Ganesh was dealing with some mesh deformation issues. Issue with some points falling just outside [0,1] by like 1e-6.

Mike asked about possible BD issue in reference line.

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Elastodyne was working fine, but Beamdyne was not, due to curvature did not. Mesh deformation algorithm was having issues. Found a way to relax it and started running the cases.

Controller wasn't on, so resubmitting with controller turned on. Starting over (not a restart).

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Job has not yet started. Submitted it yesterday morning. It is in the high priority queue.

Rigid case failed on the restart. Ganesh is investigating. May be a restart issue. Nalu-Wind failed pretty quickly on restart.

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Rigid and FSI cases are running. FSI has completed 7800 timesteps. Rigid case has completed 42000 timesteps.

Ganesh is post-processing rigid case. Looks like we're hitting 8000 timesteps per day. 10s/timestep or so.

psakievich commented 8 months ago

Rigid and FSI are both making progress. Ganesh is working on post processing the rigid and will extend those routines to FSI.

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

FSI is out to 25,000 timesteps out of 72,000. Going well.

Rigid is out to 58,000 timesteps out of 72,000. Going well.

Should be able to submit what we have on Monday.

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Rigid run is complete.

FSI run is 33,000 timesteps out. Needs to complete 64,800. At a stop right now, but needs to be restarted today. It may be completed by Friday (10/27).

By tomorrow (10/24), Ganesh will fill in plots and report. By Friday we can just update the plots.

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Working with Phil to figure out a way to restart (10/24). Yesterday, Phil saw a few things that could affect restart. Working on creating a smaller-scale reproducer. Restarting the FSI capability in Nalu-Wind seems to be problematic. Phil is working on FSI debug case. Trying to figure out where the problem is. Can't finish a run without a restart before Friday.

Even if this isn't resolved, we may be able to complete the milestone anyway. We'll finish the milestone report either way.

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Has now run to 40,200. Should get close to the end by Friday. Ganesh working on the post-processing.

Kevin does now have access to NREL HPC. There will be overhead to get set up.

Ganesh will set up meeting with Kevin and Neil to work on post-processing for this.

psakievich commented 8 months ago

@gantech has post processed rigid loads, fsi is likely to end up at 56k timesteps but wont make it to the same length of time as the rigid case.

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Ganesh says FSI is out to 56845, and has another hour to go until wallclock time to run out.