Exawind / hfm-fsi

Input files and data for HFM FSI Work
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Write up FY21-Q4 report #4

Open psakievich opened 9 months ago

michaelasprague commented 9 months ago

Milestone Language: Perform IEA Task 29 validation for the NM80 turbine with blade-resolved simulations with flexible blades, fluid-structure interaction (FSI), and turbulent atmospheric inflow. ExaWind development includes verification of the Geometric Conservation Law (GCL) and load/deformation-mapping capabilities in the context of FSI calculations. Examine and document the sensitivity of loads and wakes to FSI effects and (stretch goal) inclusion of tower/hub.

michaelasprague commented 9 months ago
pscrozi commented 9 months ago

Kevin is working on this one, and putting in more slides.

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Kevin has drafted out the skeleton and sent out needs to Ganesh and Nate to fill it out. Someone added the mesh viz. Making progress on this. Need to be consistent on naming of Nalu-Wind. We can remove some extra material that shows up in other milestones. In the overview of accomplishments, Mike will point readers to other milestone reports.

Figure showing overview of coupling, need to add AMR-Wind, with Nalu-Wind. Overset coupling to AMR-Wind.

Final figure should be rigid with coupled to show in Paraview, if there's time to do it. Need the outputs from Nate and Ganesh. Might be adequate to just have the side by side.

Need plot of blade loads and displacements, with and w/o FSI. A planar cut of the wake w/ and w/o FSI would be sufficient. If there's time for more that's fine, otherwise, these are sufficient.

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Waiting on validation statement or plot for the NM80. Data for rigid vs FSI. Once that is done, we can finish the report. Ganesh is running the rigid (he restarted the run) to complete the required number of rotations. Ganesh: it is half way through. Just running the second half, so another 4 days. May be able to complete before the new deadline.

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Can't seem to get the validation data on this. Ganesh has tried, but not gotten validation data yet.

Post-processing loads on first half of rigid case.

No controllers on in these cases: constant RPM, constant pitch.

Link: https://re.public.polimi.it/bitstream/11311/1175075/1/SCHEJ01-21.pdf Pages 64-69

kevmoor commented 8 months ago

Data scraped from fig 5.8 of the linked report and sent to Ganesh

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Kevin available to help Ganesh with post-processing today (10/20).

Ganesh is willing to fill in the conclusions, future work, etc. (10/20). Why milestone was late, what we had to overcome, will this happen again?

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Ganesh: post-processing will happen today (10/23).

pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Ganesh finished restart issue, and now starting on post-process. We need the results to put into the report.

Kevin: we're in holding pattern. But Kevin is getting onto Eagle to help with post-processing to get those results writing.

psakievich commented 8 months ago

Should have the report finished minus the final results today. Post processing the FSI results will happen on Friday.

kevmoor commented 8 months ago


pscrozi commented 8 months ago

Kevin looked at the conclusions section. Why was this so overdue? Have obstacles been overcome? What obstacles remain? Mike will spend the afternoon / evening polishing and finishing off.