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Write article on Arch Linux setup #42

Open ExcaliburZero opened 9 years ago

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

I should write and article on how my Arch Linux setup on my laptop will work.

ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago

Basic Info

Part Info
System HP Mini 1010NR
OS Arch Linux
Kernel 4.1.2-2-ARCH
Window Manager i3
Status Bar Conky
CPU Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @1.60 Hz
Root Partition 6.49 GB
ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago


Type Name
Application Manager Dmenu
Audio Manager Pavucontrol
Compositor Compton
Drive Mounter Pmount
Drive Formatter GParted
Email Thunderbird
File Manager Nautilus
Image Editor GIMP
Image Viewer Eye of Gnome
Internet Browser Firefox
IRC Client XChat
Office Suite Libre Office
Music Player Rhythmbox
Terminal Emulator Urxvt
Text Editor Gedit + Nano + Vim
Screen Recorder Simple Screen Recorder
System Monitor Gnome System Monitor
Video Call Skype
Video Player VLC Media Player
Wallpaper Setter Nitrogen
Wifi Manager Wifi Menu
ExcaliburZero commented 9 years ago
