Open bulat5280 opened 10 months ago
Describe the bug Kick and error when opening inventory
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
ProtocolizePlayer player = Protocolize.playerProvider().player(((Player) invocation.source()).getUniqueId()); final Inventory inventory = new Inventory(InventoryType.GENERIC_9X6).title(ChatElement.ofLegacyText("Inventory name")).onClick(inventoryClick -> inventoryClick.cancelled(true)); List<BaseItemStack> items = new ArrayList<>(); Database.getAllRanks(true).forEach((key, value) -> { BaseItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(ItemType.PLAYER_HEAD); itemStack.displayName(key); try { final Optional<MojangSkinDataResult> playerSkin = SkinsRestorerProvider.get().getSkinStorage().getPlayerSkin(key, true); if (playerSkin.isPresent()) { CompoundTag skullOwner = itemStack.nbtData().getCompoundTag("SkullOwner"); if (skullOwner == null) { skullOwner = new CompoundTag(); } skullOwner.put("Name", new StringTag(key)); CompoundTag properties = skullOwner.getCompoundTag("Properties"); if (properties == null) { properties = new CompoundTag(); } final CompoundTag texture = new CompoundTag(); texture.put("Value", new StringTag(playerSkin.get().getSkinProperty().getValue())); final ListTag<CompoundTag> textures = new ListTag<>(CompoundTag.class); textures.add(texture); properties.put("textures", textures); skullOwner.put("Properties", properties); itemStack.nbtData().put("SkullOwner", skullOwner); } } catch (DataRequestException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } items.add(itemStack); }); inventory.items(items); player.openInventory(inventory);
Expected behavior The player will not kick and the inventory will open.
Proxy environment Velocity last version installed protocolize and protocolize-legacy-velocity
Minecraft versions used 1.12.2
I guess its a problem with the nbt things and not the Library
Describe the bug Kick and error when opening inventory
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior The player will not kick and the inventory will open.
Proxy environment Velocity last version installed protocolize and protocolize-legacy-velocity
Minecraft versions used 1.12.2