ExcessiveAmountsOfZombies / Croptopia

Fabric and Forge mod that adds crops and food to the game.
MIT License
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Crops don't spawn with Terralith #590

Open euquinox opened 5 months ago

euquinox commented 5 months ago

Make sure you are not opening a duplicate.



Minecraft version.


Croptopia version.


What happened?

Crops don't spawn even in vanilla biomes with Terralith present. Trees do spawn, but only in vanilla biomes. And not too long ago the game used to crash on startup with only Terralith and Croptopia, but I think that was because I was using an older version of the Forge loader. Now it doesn't crash but the crops simply won't spawn. latest.log

Relevant log.

No response

Additional information.


Rubidium Oculus Terralith Croptopia Terrablender Regions Unexplored

zagdrath commented 5 months ago

Currently having the same exact issue.

icezyclon commented 4 months ago

Agreed, we have the same issue on our server (Trees work fine)

Versions: Minecraft: 1.20.4 Forge: 49.0.26 Croptopia: 3.0.4 Terralith: 2.4.11

Polarstarzz commented 4 months ago

Having the same problem.

Mikemece commented 4 months ago

Same problem, trees working fine but no crops spawning

Versions: Minecraft: 1.20.1 Forge: 47.1.96 Croptopia: 3.0.4 Terralith: 2.4.11

ashley-holton commented 1 month ago

Also having the same issue. We can find crops on trees, but not in the wild growing from the ground.

Versions: Minecraft: 1.20.1 Croptopia: Croptopia-1.20.1-FORGE-3.0.4 Terralith: Terralith_1.20.4_v2.4.11