ExcessiveAmountsOfZombies / EightsEconomyP

OctoEconomyAPI implementation for Fabric Servers
3 stars 2 forks source link

Mod eights_economy_p requires octo_economy_api 1.1.0 or above, and below 2.0.0 #9

Open dmoke opened 10 months ago

dmoke commented 10 months ago

-server version: forge-1.20-46.0.14 -mod version: EightsEconomyP-1.20-FORGE-1.1.2-all

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- Head -- Thread: main Stacktrace: at net.minecraftforge.logging.CrashReportExtender.lambda$dumpModLoadingCrashReport$7(CrashReportExtender.java:63) ~[forge-1.20-46.0.14-universal.jar%23258!/:?] {re:classloading} -- MOD eights_economy_p -- Details: Mod File: .../mods/EightsEconomyP-1.20-FORGE-1.1.2-all.jar Failure message: Mod eights_economy_p requires octo_economy_api 1.1.0 or above, and below 2.0.0 Currently, octo_economy_api is 1.0.1 Mod Version: 1.1.0 Mod Issue URL: NOT PROVIDED Exception message: MISSING EXCEPTION MESSAGE

Nephga commented 5 months ago

If you're wondering where to find OctoEconomyApi, it's in another repo hosted by the author of EightsEconomyP