Exiled-Team / EXILED

A high-level plugin framework for SCP: Secret Laboratory servers. It offers an event system for developers to hook in order to manipulate or change game code, or implement their own functions.
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I have suggest. #323

Closed Tamago4a closed 3 years ago

Tamago4a commented 3 years ago

I would like to suggest that all plugins have a general view of how the config should look. Just for the beauty of the config. I understand that many of these things work anyway, but it would remove a lot of unnecessary questions and just make the config cleaner and more beautiful. More details here: Cassie: image If cassie should be silent: image And this example is essentially the same not entirely correct. By sound logic, it should be like this: image

BroadCast image And this image

Other: image

Lists: image

Perhaps for some it will seem nonsense. But why not just bring the whole config back to normal. It would be cool.

Kade-github commented 3 years ago

Heres a cool thing about open-source creative-commons. You can modify what ever you like, as long as you dont claim its yours. If you want a plugin to act like this (and yes you've used my plugin as an example here) you can. No one is stopping you. Just stop telling people to change something so personalized as their own plugin config.

Tamago4a commented 3 years ago

Heres a cool thing about open-source creative-commons. You can modify what ever you like, as long as you dont claim its yours. If you want a plugin to act like this (and yes you've used my plugin as an example here) you can. No one is stopping you. Just stop telling people to change something so personalized as their own plugin config.

I'm talking about bringing everything to one form. I don't want to see another Smod in which everything is through the ass. I am asking for a completely adequate thing. This is done once during the "plug-in life" and is no longer touched.

And I'll add that not all of your plugins are listed in the example. And I will add that this list also contains my personal plugins that I would only redo if everyone came to a common opinion. All the same, these plugins work on Yaml syntax, so maybe we will stick to it? Damn it, I really don't understand what's the problem then? I'm just asking the config to look nice.

Kade-github commented 3 years ago

Heres a cool thing about open-source creative-commons. You can modify what ever you like, as long as you dont claim its yours. If you want a plugin to act like this (and yes you've used my plugin as an example here) you can. No one is stopping you. Just stop telling people to change something so personalized as their own plugin config.

I'm talking about bringing everything to one form. I don't want to see another Smod in which everything is through the ass. I am asking for a completely adequate thing. This is done once during the "plug-in life" and is no longer touched.

And I'll add that not all of your plugins are listed in the example. And I will add that this list also contains my personal plugins that I would only redo if everyone came to a common opinion. All the same, these plugins work on Yaml syntax, so maybe we will stick to it? Damn it, I really don't understand what's the problem then? I'm just asking the config to look nice.

do it yourself then, forcing wont help you.

Tamago4a commented 3 years ago

do it yourself then, forcing wont help you.

Where in this text am I forcing you to do this?

Wait a minute. I think I got it. Do you want me to do this for you and give you the correct dll file?

RogerFK commented 3 years ago

Wait a minute. I think I got it. Do you want me to do this for you and give you the correct dll file?

That's not what he said. He just told you to change the Serializer if you didn't like it.


  1. This isn't a scripting language, and variable types don't have to be guessed from their context. They're already defined in their respective plugin's config classes.
  2. Coding with dynamic variables would be a mess.

Long explanation:

I'm thinking doing this would be a pain in the ass to do (even making an exiled_serializer: MySerializer.dll config would be a mess... the only way I'd see would be adding an optional Serializer-XXXX.dll file or a serializer.txt file somewhere). Either way, you would have to edit how EXILED's serializer works.

Here's the deal: this is a serializer with statically and strongly typed variables. The type of the variables don't have to be guessed from their context, unlike Python, where you just do myVar = 'Hello world!'. In C#, types are immutable unless the coder specifically says a type is dynamic (in which case it depends on the serializer, maybe YamlDotNet does give you 'string' and stuff if you use dynamic on a serializable).

Using dynamic would overcomplicate code, it doesn't make any sense to do it, and the configs wouldn't really look cleaner. For example, when we want a float variable, these numbers wouldn't be 0.05 but 0.05f. Added to the fact, for whatever reason, YamlDotNet apparently messes up our floats and adds a lot of decimals (0.0500000001f would look even messier.). One lines comparing a float against a float would turn into a type-checking headache.

anyways my final point: can't you really understand 0.5 is a number, and Hello my fellow dbois is a string? plus, you would break everyone else's configs...

joker-119 commented 3 years ago

This would be a breaking change in formatting the config serializer uses, for very little (in my opinion, none at all) gain other than 'some' people 'may' find it more 'aesthetically pleasing' to look at.

Re-writing the serializer to use this formatting would be a pain in the ass, for no reason, and would break everyone's config files instantly resetting them all back to default, if the server even loads them at all.

I'm going to say hard no on this one.

Tamago4a commented 3 years ago

Okay. Well, at least I got a normal answer. Do I understand correctly that if I now put quotes everywhere in my configs, then everything will still work for me?

Kade-github commented 3 years ago

Okay. Well, at least I got a normal answer. Do I understand correctly that if I now put quotes everywhere in my configs, then everything will still work for me?

Try it, if it breaks. Modify it till it doesn't. You can control your own server, exiled is open source.