Open TheConfusedlol opened 1 month ago
Unfortunately, it's not currently a feature.
You can edit the code and add a check for florida yourself if you want to, but you need some python skill
Unfortunately, it's not currently a feature.
You can edit the code and add a check for florida yourself if you want to, but you need some python skill
yeah ive actually been doing that, how's this?
import requests
from selenium import webdriver
import asyncio
import time
import aiohttp
# Roblox cookie
robloxCookie = "(cookie)"
# Variables for location (can be "None" if not provided)
targetCity = "singapore" # make this be read first
targetRegion = "None" # make this be read if targetCity is "None"
targetCountryCode = "SG" # make this be read if others are "None"
print("Roblox Server Finder by Exilon (Exilon24 on GitHub).")
placeId = int(input("PlaceID: "))
print("Looking for game...")
uri = f"{str(placeId)}/servers/Public?excludeFullGames=true&limit=100"
response = requests.get(url=uri)
servers = response.json()["data"]
gameUniverseID = requests.get(f"{str(placeId)}/universe").json()["universeId"]
gameInfo = requests.get(f"{str(gameUniverseID)}").json()["data"][0]
print(f"Now joining: {gameInfo['name']} by {gameInfo['creator']['name']}.\nThere are {gameInfo['playing']} players currently online.")
print("Attempting to find server information...")
authCookies = {
".ROBLOSECURITY": robloxCookie,
authHeaders = {
"Referer": f"{placeId}/",
"Origin": "",
"User-Agent": "Roblox/WinInet",
taskList = []
global driver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
async def getServerInfo(server):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(cookies=authCookies) as session:
serverId = server["id"]
res = await"",
"placeId": placeId,
"isTeleport": False,
"gameId": serverId,
"gameJoinAttemptId": serverId
ip = await res.json()
ip = ip["joinScript"]
if ip is None:
return False
ip = ip["UdmuxEndpoints"][0]["Address"]
print("Error with Roblox server joins...")
return False
# Geolocation request for the IP address
geolocation = await session.get(f"{ip}")
geolocation = await geolocation.json()
if geolocation["status"] != "success":
return False
# Print out the geolocation details
print(f"Server found at ({geolocation['countryCode']}) --> {geolocation['region']}, {geolocation['city']}")
# Dynamically check available variables
if ((targetCountryCode == "None" or geolocation["countryCode"].lower() == targetCountryCode.lower()) and
(targetRegion == "None" or geolocation["region"].lower() == targetRegion.lower()) and
(targetCity == "None" or geolocation["city"].lower() == targetCity.lower())):
"value": robloxCookie,
"path": "/",
"domain": ""
driver.execute_script(f"Roblox.GameLauncher.joinGameInstance({placeId}, \"{serverId}\")")
for t in taskList:
return True
return False
# Main async loop to find servers
async def main():
for server in servers:
await asyncio.gather(*taskList)
time.sleep(20) # Keep the webdriver open to ensure Roblox loads
It mostly works but Singapore, Japan and Oregon servers have been troublesome to deal with
I saw this nifty little script and was just wondering if there's a way to filter it down to a more specific location?