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Make Enterprise Build Pipelines Ephemeral #42

Open john-osullivan opened 5 years ago

john-osullivan commented 5 years ago

When an enterprise user pushes up new code to @username/their-repo#website, we need to take that code, run it through react-scripts build, and then place the built deployment into their S3 bucket. The Deploy pipeline is only required when they make that push, it can be destroyed afterwards. Rough flow is:

  1. User pushes up their create-react-app source
  2. We receive a webhook telling us that there was a push to the magic website branch
  3. We create a CodePipeline which uses the GitHub repo as a Source, runs through a create-react-app environment for Build, places the output artifact into their S3 bucket, and then outputs a notification to the SQS queue
  4. The SQS processor sees the notification and then deletes the CodePipeline