Apologies as this is not strictly an issue with the plugin, but given how niche this stuff is, there's very few people who really understand FaceGen so I thought I'd reach out.
With your plugin, faces don't turn black, but headparts stay the same.
Would you happen to have any insights as to what functions to look for in order to get "skee preset-load" to work on these NPCs?
I tried tracing the functions you patch (i.e. those listed in Offsets.h) to see if a different path was taken for FF NPCs, but as far as I could tell, there was no difference.
Apologies as this is not strictly an issue with the plugin, but given how niche this stuff is, there's very few people who really understand FaceGen so I thought I'd reach out.
RaceMenu has a "skee preset-load" command (https://github.com/expired6978/SKSE64Plugins/blob/4cf6d628e7a74e1204fc5bdc0fc4885de6481a03/skee/SKEEHooks.cpp#L1183) which loads a saved character preset (which includes FaceGen data) onto an NPC. This works great for NPCs with a regular BaseID (e.g. 00039CF5) but on NPCs whose BaseID starts with FF, it causes the NPC's face to turn black and their headparts don't change.
With your plugin, faces don't turn black, but headparts stay the same.
Would you happen to have any insights as to what functions to look for in order to get "skee preset-load" to work on these NPCs?
I tried tracing the functions you patch (i.e. those listed in Offsets.h) to see if a different path was taken for FF NPCs, but as far as I could tell, there was no difference.