Hi, I came to ask if is there anything related to dynamic cover arts on rich presence planned for future releases.
Discord added a while ago an option to load images from external sources, making it kinda easy to display the album art on profile (by using mp:external source)
I was thinking a bit about it and you could even do a thing where it would get both Artist+Album outputs and place on MusicBrainz api and then retrieve the cover art from coverartarchive
(Example using powershell since I don't know C#/C++ or related)
↳ Metadata output:
↳ Artist/Album
Example (Splitted):
$getData = ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'http://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/release-group/?query=artist:$($artist)%20ANDalbum:$($ascend)&fmt=json' -ContentType 'application/json').Content | ConvertFrom-Json).'release-groups'[0]
# Request data from the api, converts response from json into an object, navigates to the "release-groups" section of the json then selects just the first object of the array
$albumArt = iwr -uri "http://coverartarchive.org/release-group/$($getData.id)/front" -OutFile ./album.jpg
# Gets the album from the archive using the id retrieved previously
# result = http://coverartarchive.org/release-group/db17ce16-aacf-4157-a551-b9e53b270cbc/front
Hi, I came to ask if is there anything related to dynamic cover arts on rich presence planned for future releases.
Discord added a while ago an option to load images from external sources, making it kinda easy to display the album art on profile (by using mp:external source)
I was thinking a bit about it and you could even do a thing where it would get both Artist+Album outputs and place on MusicBrainz api and then retrieve the cover art from coverartarchive
(Example using powershell since I don't know C#/C++ or related)
Example (Splitted):
# result = http://coverartarchive.org/release-group/db17ce16-aacf-4157-a551-b9e53b270cbc/front