Exo-TiC / ExoTiC-ISM

This is a repository for the reduction pipeline detailed in Wakeford, et al., 2016, ApJ. The method implements marginalization across a series of models to represent stochastic models for observatory and instrument systematics. This is primarily for HST WFC3, however, may be extended to STIS in the future.
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Exploit naming convention to read data files #58

Closed ivalaginja closed 4 years ago

ivalaginja commented 5 years ago

With PR #48 all the data follows the same naming convention; the name is a concatenation of planet name, grating name and standard string. We can exploit this and construct the data file name from the inputs for grating and planet, so that we don't have to also adjust the file name when we change from one grating to the other, or from one planet to the next.

ivalaginja commented 5 years ago

We might either reconsider this or add instructions on how to name data files, since the data we're providing are only supposed to be examples.

ivalaginja commented 5 years ago

But we're also working with them all the time, so... this should be fast and easy to implement and would enable less complicated testing.

ivalaginja commented 4 years ago

I decided that this would only be marginally useful, so I am dropping it. I will post a comment to issue #43 where we're overhauling the readme to suggest we include a recommendation to stick to the naming convention of data files of: star + grating + data type + .txt, but we don't have to enforce that.