ExocoreNetwork / exocore

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feat(epochs): backport the module from SDK #102

Open MaxMustermann2 opened 2 weeks ago

MaxMustermann2 commented 2 weeks ago

This PR is a backport of the Cosmos SDK's epochs module. The backport allows us the flexibility to define our own epochs as default epochs and fixes a bug wherein the first epoch in the hook was always 2.

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 2 weeks ago


This update introduces changes across several modules and scripts. Key modifications include updating import paths to align with the new Exocore structure, refining workflow configurations for better CI support, and enhancing epoch management functionalities. Additionally, new functionalities for initializing, querying, and managing epochs have been added, accompanied by corresponding test enhancements to ensure robust validation of these features.


File(s) Change Summary
.github/workflows/proto.yml Added token configuration for GitHub Actions under buf-setup-action@v1.26.1.
.github/workflows/super-linter.yml Added conditional configurations for running with act.
.semgrepignore Added exclusion pattern x/*/simulation/.
app/app.go Updated import paths for epochs package to ExocoreNetwork/exocore.
local_node.sh Modified test parameters for epoch duration and unbonding in the dogfood module.
proto/exocore/epochs/v1/genesis.proto Introduced EpochInfo and GenesisState messages defining epochs with metadata.
proto/exocore/epochs/v1/query.proto Updated package name, endpoint URLs, field descriptions, and added pagination for epoch queries.
testutil/utils.go Added InitTime field to BaseTestSuite, adjusted block parameters, and added functions for managing block commits.
x/dogfood/keeper/impl_epochs_hooks.go, x/dogfood/types/expected_keepers.go, x/dogfood/types/... Updated import path for epochsTypes package.
x/dogfood/keeper/keeper.go Modified Hooks function to check for nil before returning k.dogfoodHooks.
x/epochs/README.md Documented AfterEpochEnd and BeforeEpochStart hooks, and provided EpochInfos and CurrentEpoch queries in the epochs module.
x/epochs/client/cli/query.go Added CLI query commands for querying epoch information and the current epoch number.
x/epochs/keeper/... Introduced and enhanced functionalities for initializing, querying, managing, and testing epochs.

Sequence Diagram(s)

The changes made span across various modules and do not focus on a single feature or control flow modification. Thus, generating sequence diagrams is not applicable here.


In lines of code we dwell so deep,
Epochs wake from endless sleep.
Exocore’s network, grand and bright,
Guards the epochs in their flight.
Tokens set and queries shown,
Our code of legends, swiftly grown.

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Tips ### Chat There are 3 ways to chat with [CodeRabbit](https://coderabbit.ai): - Review comments: Directly reply to a review comment made by CodeRabbit. Example: - `I pushed a fix in commit .` - `Generate unit testing code for this file.` - `Open a follow-up GitHub issue for this discussion.` - Files and specific lines of code (under the "Files changed" tab): Tag `@coderabbitai` in a new review comment at the desired location with your query. Examples: - `@coderabbitai generate unit testing code for this file.` - `@coderabbitai modularize this function.` - PR comments: Tag `@coderabbitai` in a new PR comment to ask questions about the PR branch. For the best results, please provide a very specific query, as very limited context is provided in this mode. Examples: - `@coderabbitai generate interesting stats about this repository and render them as a table.` - `@coderabbitai show all the console.log statements in this repository.` - `@coderabbitai read src/utils.ts and generate unit testing code.` - `@coderabbitai read the files in the src/scheduler package and generate a class diagram using mermaid and a README in the markdown format.` - `@coderabbitai help me debug CodeRabbit configuration file.` Note: Be mindful of the bot's finite context window. It's strongly recommended to break down tasks such as reading entire modules into smaller chunks. For a focused discussion, use review comments to chat about specific files and their changes, instead of using the PR comments. ### CodeRabbit Commands (invoked as PR comments) - `@coderabbitai pause` to pause the reviews on a PR. - `@coderabbitai resume` to resume the paused reviews. - `@coderabbitai review` to trigger an incremental review. This is useful when automatic reviews are disabled for the repository. - `@coderabbitai full review` to do a full review from scratch and review all the files again. - `@coderabbitai summary` to regenerate the summary of the PR. - `@coderabbitai resolve` resolve all the CodeRabbit review comments. - `@coderabbitai configuration` to show the current CodeRabbit configuration for the repository. - `@coderabbitai help` to get help. Additionally, you can add `@coderabbitai ignore` anywhere in the PR description to prevent this PR from being reviewed. ### CodeRabbit Configration File (`.coderabbit.yaml`) - You can programmatically configure CodeRabbit by adding a `.coderabbit.yaml` file to the root of your repository. - Please see the [configuration documentation](https://docs.coderabbit.ai/guides/configure-coderabbit) for more information. - If your editor has YAML language server enabled, you can add the path at the top of this file to enable auto-completion and validation: `# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://coderabbit.ai/integrations/schema.v2.json` ### Documentation and Community - Visit our [Documentation](https://coderabbit.ai/docs) for detailed information on how to use CodeRabbit. - Join our [Discord Community](https://discord.com/invite/GsXnASn26c) to get help, request features, and share feedback. - Follow us on [X/Twitter](https://twitter.com/coderabbitai) for updates and announcements.
cloud8little commented 2 weeks ago

Query the epoch information with two successive command exocored q epochs epoch-infos, look into the minute epoch information, the current_epoch increase by 1 while the time latency for two successive command is obivioulyless than one minute. and the current_epoch_start_time in the minute identifier is incorrect.

NOTE: the genesis_time is "2024-06-14T08:34:18.95676475Z"

[root@testnet-exochain testscript]# exocored q epochs epoch-infos
- current_epoch: "3"
  current_epoch_start_height: "3"
  current_epoch_start_time: "2024-06-16T08:34:18.956764750Z"
  duration: 86400s
  epoch_counting_started: true
  identifier: day
  start_time: "2024-06-14T08:34:18.956764750Z"
- current_epoch: "68"
  current_epoch_start_height: "68"
  current_epoch_start_time: "2024-06-17T03:34:18.956764750Z"
  duration: 3600s
  epoch_counting_started: true
  identifier: hour
  start_time: "2024-06-14T08:34:18.956764750Z"
- current_epoch: "423"
  current_epoch_start_height: "423"
  current_epoch_start_time: "2024-06-14T15:36:18.956764750Z"
  duration: 60s
  epoch_counting_started: true
  identifier: minute
  start_time: "2024-06-14T08:34:18.956764750Z"
- current_epoch: "1"
  current_epoch_start_height: "1"
  current_epoch_start_time: "2024-06-14T08:34:18.956764750Z"
  duration: 604800s
  epoch_counting_started: true
  identifier: week
  start_time: "2024-06-14T08:34:18.956764750Z"
  next_key: null
  total: "4"
[root@testnet-exochain testscript]# exocored q epochs epoch-infos
- current_epoch: "3"
  current_epoch_start_height: "3"
  current_epoch_start_time: "2024-06-16T08:34:18.956764750Z"
  duration: 86400s
  epoch_counting_started: true
  identifier: day
  start_time: "2024-06-14T08:34:18.956764750Z"
- current_epoch: "68"
  current_epoch_start_height: "68"
  current_epoch_start_time: "2024-06-17T03:34:18.956764750Z"
  duration: 3600s
  epoch_counting_started: true
  identifier: hour
  start_time: "2024-06-14T08:34:18.956764750Z"
- current_epoch: "424"
  current_epoch_start_height: "424"
  current_epoch_start_time: "2024-06-14T15:37:18.956764750Z"
  duration: 60s
  epoch_counting_started: true
  identifier: minute
  start_time: "2024-06-14T08:34:18.956764750Z"
- current_epoch: "1"
  current_epoch_start_height: "1"
  current_epoch_start_time: "2024-06-14T08:34:18.956764750Z"
  duration: 604800s
  epoch_counting_started: true
  identifier: week
  start_time: "2024-06-14T08:34:18.956764750Z"
  next_key: null
  total: "4"
[root@testnet-exochain testscript]# date
Mon Jun 17 04:09:16 UTC 2024
[root@testnet-exochain testscript]# date
Mon Jun 17 04:09:18 UTC 2024
[root@testnet-exochain testscript]# date
Mon Jun 17 04:09:20 UTC 2024
MaxMustermann2 commented 2 weeks ago

NOTE: the genesis_time is "2024-06-14T08:34:18.95676475Z"

Given that is the case, this behavior is expected. It is the same functionality as the one implemented in the Cosmos SDK and the previously imported module.

The current epoch, given any identifier, indicates the number of periods of that epoch since the epoch counting start time (which defaults to the genesis time, if not set). For example, if the day epoch is reported as 3, it means that the 3rd day (since counting started) is ongoing.

However, the number is incremented only once during a block. This is an intentional design, since doing otherwise would result in epochs being skipped. This is the cause for the deviation that you observed.

Starting a chain with a genesis time in the past causes each produced block to increase the current epoch number by 1 until the epoch's scheduled end time (= current start time + duration) < block time.

In the provided example, the chain's genesis time was 2 days, 19 hours, 32 minutes and ~16 seconds ago. The start_time for each epoch is set to the genesis time.

Since the start_time, the 3rd day has started, which is accurately reflected in your query. Similarly, it is the 68th hour that is currently ongoing, which is also correctly reported. The week is the first week since the genesis time, which is again accurate.

The minute, however, is increasing by 1 at each block. 4052.3 minutes have completed between the genesis time and now, so it will increase till 4053 blocks (+ some extra for the time it takes for block production to get there) and then continue on its regular minute-wise schedule.

The comments in the code describe this detail as well. https://github.com/ExocoreNetwork/exocore/blob/91a9681fd5448474b76229e6ef3b7193107fcc32/proto/exocore/epochs/v1/genesis.proto#L33-L51

MaxMustermann2 commented 5 days ago

@coderabbitai review

coderabbitai[bot] commented 5 days ago
Actions performed Review triggered. > Note: CodeRabbit is an incremental review system and does not re-review already reviewed commits. This command is applicable only when automatic reviews are paused.
coderabbitai[bot] commented 5 days ago

[!NOTE] Currently processing new changes in this PR. This may take a few minutes, please wait...

Commits Files that changed from the base of the PR and between 002d277d27b2d88d85853959d0382bef0bb4b9e3 and 53863434195b96fa51a2fb6f0ad7f000ff86b24a.
Files ignored due to path filters (4) * `SAFU.pdf` is excluded by `!**/*.pdf` * `x/epochs/types/genesis.pb.go` is excluded by `!**/*.pb.go` * `x/epochs/types/query.pb.go` is excluded by `!**/*.pb.go` * `x/epochs/types/query.pb.gw.go` is excluded by `!**/*.pb.gw.go`
Files selected for processing (34) * .github/workflows/proto.yml (2 hunks) * .github/workflows/super-linter.yml (1 hunks) * .semgrepignore (1 hunks) * app/app.go (1 hunks) * local_node.sh (1 hunks) * proto/exocore/epochs/v1/genesis.proto (1 hunks) * proto/exocore/epochs/v1/query.proto (2 hunks) * testutil/utils.go (4 hunks) * x/dogfood/keeper/impl_epochs_hooks.go (1 hunks) * x/dogfood/keeper/keeper.go (1 hunks) * x/dogfood/types/expected_keepers.go (1 hunks) * x/dogfood/types/params.go (2 hunks) * x/epochs/README.md (1 hunks) * x/epochs/client/cli/query.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/keeper/abci.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/keeper/abci_test.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/keeper/epoch_infos.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/keeper/epoch_infos_test.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/keeper/genesis.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/keeper/grpc_query.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/keeper/grpc_query_test.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/keeper/keeper.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/keeper/setup_test.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/keeper/utils_test.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/module.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/simulation/genesis.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/types/codec.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/types/errors.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/types/events.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/types/genesis.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/types/genesis_test.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/types/hooks.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/types/identifier.go (1 hunks) * x/epochs/types/keys.go (1 hunks)
< Estimate the order of your algorithms. Get a feel for how long things are likely to take before you write code. >
   \   \
        \ /\
        ( )
      .( o ).

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Tips ### Chat There are 3 ways to chat with [CodeRabbit](https://coderabbit.ai): - Review comments: Directly reply to a review comment made by CodeRabbit. Example: - `I pushed a fix in commit .` - `Generate unit testing code for this file.` - `Open a follow-up GitHub issue for this discussion.` - Files and specific lines of code (under the "Files changed" tab): Tag `@coderabbitai` in a new review comment at the desired location with your query. Examples: - `@coderabbitai generate unit testing code for this file.` - `@coderabbitai modularize this function.` - PR comments: Tag `@coderabbitai` in a new PR comment to ask questions about the PR branch. For the best results, please provide a very specific query, as very limited context is provided in this mode. Examples: - `@coderabbitai generate interesting stats about this repository and render them as a table.` - `@coderabbitai show all the console.log statements in this repository.` - `@coderabbitai read src/utils.ts and generate unit testing code.` - `@coderabbitai read the files in the src/scheduler package and generate a class diagram using mermaid and a README in the markdown format.` - `@coderabbitai help me debug CodeRabbit configuration file.` Note: Be mindful of the bot's finite context window. It's strongly recommended to break down tasks such as reading entire modules into smaller chunks. For a focused discussion, use review comments to chat about specific files and their changes, instead of using the PR comments. ### CodeRabbit Commands (invoked as PR comments) - `@coderabbitai pause` to pause the reviews on a PR. - `@coderabbitai resume` to resume the paused reviews. - `@coderabbitai review` to trigger an incremental review. This is useful when automatic reviews are disabled for the repository. - `@coderabbitai full review` to do a full review from scratch and review all the files again. - `@coderabbitai summary` to regenerate the summary of the PR. - `@coderabbitai resolve` resolve all the CodeRabbit review comments. - `@coderabbitai configuration` to show the current CodeRabbit configuration for the repository. - `@coderabbitai help` to get help. Additionally, you can add `@coderabbitai ignore` anywhere in the PR description to prevent this PR from being reviewed. ### CodeRabbit Configration File (`.coderabbit.yaml`) - You can programmatically configure CodeRabbit by adding a `.coderabbit.yaml` file to the root of your repository. - Please see the [configuration documentation](https://docs.coderabbit.ai/guides/configure-coderabbit) for more information. - If your editor has YAML language server enabled, you can add the path at the top of this file to enable auto-completion and validation: `# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://coderabbit.ai/integrations/schema.v2.json` ### Documentation and Community - Visit our [Documentation](https://coderabbit.ai/docs) for detailed information on how to use CodeRabbit. - Join our [Discord Community](https://discord.com/invite/GsXnASn26c) to get help, request features, and share feedback. - Follow us on [X/Twitter](https://twitter.com/coderabbitai) for updates and announcements.