[x] all instruments, the idea is to support PyVISA 1.8 so a compatibility layer for drivers needs to be introduced (and perhaps some driver can be slightly altered)
[ ] port the instrument debugger while a new one has not been designed.
Porting tasks should be straightforward as it mainly means to handle task declarations, in some cases taking advantages of some new features (checks based on tag, ...) would make sense. Pairs should be replaced by OrderedDict and edited with the DictEditor.
The other two needs completion of https://github.com/Ecpy/ecpy/issues/16 before being tackled. DONE
The part of HQCMeas to port are the following :
Porting tasks should be straightforward as it mainly means to handle task declarations, in some cases taking advantages of some new features (checks based on tag, ...) would make sense. Pairs should be replaced by OrderedDict and edited with the DictEditor.
The other two needs completion of https://github.com/Ecpy/ecpy/issues/16 before being tackled.DONE