ExpandedVenture / ConnectionSphere

Simple Service to Start Prospecting Online
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Show leads pictures #135

Open ExpandedVenture opened 2 years ago

ExpandedVenture commented 2 years ago


I want my auotmation to download the profile picture of the social site users that I send a connection request to. May such a social site track that and detect my automation?


They could. Can you do it via a separate thread?


I could do it into a separate thread, but I am affraid they will block the IP.


You should be able to do it without being detected since the image is automatically loaded when you load the page.


You say save it from the browser, instead download from the website again. That is good idea. I will research how to do it with selenium.

Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18424624/using-selenium-to-save-images-from-page