ExpandedVenture / ConnectionSphere

Simple Service to Start Prospecting Online
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Chart Incongruency #201

Open ExpandedVenture opened 2 years ago

ExpandedVenture commented 2 years ago


We found some clients who have delivered connection requests, but the chart is empty.

The responses screen is empty also.




The problem is caused because operators (Anee, Maimona, Ifra) are opening many accounts from prisma, in different tabs.

Then, they edit the pipelines of many clients, but they are logged into one of all these accounts only.

In consequence, they create messages to a client's pipeline, but such messages are belonging another client.



By now, the immediate solutin is that operators (Anee, Ifra, Maimona) access clients' accounts one at time.

When you have done working on a client's accout, then close its tab before open the account of the next client.

ExpandedVenture commented 2 years ago

Data Correction

Use this query to gerenate the UPDATE scripts.

use euler;

select c.name, u.email, p.name, v.name,
    'UPDATE drl_minutely_stats SET id_client='''+cast(c.id as varchar(500))+''' WHERE [id_pipeline]='''+cast(p.id as varchar(500))+''' AND [id_client]<>'''+cast(c.id as varchar(500))+''';',
    'UPDATE [message] SET id_user='''+cast(u.id as varchar(500))+''' WHERE [id]='''+cast(m.id as varchar(500))+''';'
from pipeline p with (nolock)
join [user] u with (nolock) on u.id=p.id_user
join client c with (nolock) on c.id=u.id_client
join [message] m with (nolock) on p.id=m.id_pipeline
join [user] v with (nolock) on v.id=m.id_user
where u.id_client<>v.id_client
order by m.create_time
anee786 commented 2 years ago

I confirm my understanding.

Ifra1 commented 2 years ago

I also confirm my understanding.

maimmona commented 2 years ago

I confirm my understanding

ExpandedVenture commented 2 years ago

Data Correction 2

use euler;

    c.name as client_name,
    u.email as user_email,
    p.id as pid,
    d.name as wrong_client_name, 
    'UPDATE drl_minutely_stats SET id_client='''+cast(c.id as varchar(500))+''' WHERE [id_pipeline]='''+cast(p.id as varchar(500))+''' AND [id_client]<>'''+cast(c.id as varchar(500))+''';'
from pipeline p with (nolock)
join [user] u with (nolock) on u.id=p.id_user
join client c with (nolock) on c.id=u.id_client
join drl_minutely_stats x with (nolock) on p.id=x.id_pipeline
join client d with (nolock) on d.id=x.id_client
where u.id_client<>x.id_client
group by c.name, u.email, p.id, d.name, c.id